Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Pix

A tired joke, a bad pun, AND a crappy photoshop! It's a trifecta!

Rush called Hillary Nurse Rachet on his program. See, they're both women, and neither of them is smiling!

At first I thought this was making the point that some women were voting for Hillary for purely demographic reasons. But then I see it is merely crudely smearing the democrats. And sexist too! Nice.

No politics here. Just torturing Hillary.

See, Hillary wants to be queen. And her stamp is worth nothing cause she sucks.

Chuck Schumer is the same as Bin Ladin. It's like a goodwin. Also, why him, of all the Senators?


Wow. This was posted in response to the recent unrest in Pakistan. The irony of a party that supports Bush making this argument about Obama is staggering.

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