Wednesday, May 28, 2008


McClellan went off the reservation!
Perchant goes for the classy assassination joke:
How many Republican Presidents have fired a guy named McClellan who later went looking for revenge?

balch3 goes for the obvious fascist reaction:
this fool should be tried for sedition.

fish hawk (Silence is often misinterpreted but never misquoted.) figures it's all capitalism:
These type of horses asses know that if they write a book praising Bush, it will not sell. So, they write this kind of crap and the left will help them sell it. It's all about money these days. Loyalty disappeared when?
First, right wing books never sell too badly. Second, loyalty does not mean covering up crimes and lies to the American people.
E. Cartman (Better to have your enemy before you than beside you or behind you.) lives up to his name, in analyzing a Freeper dream:
I wish W had chosen Ann Coulter to be his press secretary.

Coulter would also have been uppity enough to tell Jorge when he first began to both blow and suck.

Cause that's the press secretary's place - to tell the president when he begins to blow AND suck.
kbennkc (For those who have fought for it , freedom has a flavor the protected will never know) lightens the mood by adding a little liberal hate.
The WORST Press Secy

Agreed . Bill Moyers is now the second worst lying POS press secretary .

Damn, Scott, doesn't look like you can go home again...

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