Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Not much to say about Hillary

So Hillary spoke yesterday. I thought it was pretty boilerplate, but Freepers didn't have much to say. Not sure if this means she was successful, or if Freepers just had some high expectations.

Of course, there were lots of long, boring lists of jokes about how Chelsea and Hillary are ugly. EQAndyBuzz provides an example:

Though not overweight, she has a very strange shape.

She’s a freaking weeble.

She looks just like a middle-aged woman to me. How hideous!

But then there's the subtext people, like Carley.
First. The orange is the color adopted by the PUMAs.
Second. Note she ended her speech with how much she loved America.
Take that michelle.

Suit color is very significant! Orange is also the color of my high school, which I'm sure is glad for Hillary's support.

Twinkie offers this bit of pablum, which fellow Freepers link to with great approval.

The adoring faces of “her” supporters by the millions do not satisfy her.

Because the Love of God is what we all need, including the Clintons, and nothing else in this world will suffice. The sad fact is that God is ready and willing to love us, and to comfort us, if only we will simply ASK Him and take it from there with Him. - Lord, help all of us to do that.

This makes me sigh. How tiresome it is to assume everyone is unhappy unless they take your way, and then to let everyone know they're unhappy!

Lijahsbubbe plays us out with some more parsing:

Noticed she didn’t say “as a proud mother and wife”, but perhaps she just isn’t a proud wife.

I thought that was a glaring omission as well! In fact, I don't think she mentioned Bill once, did she? Considering he's her husband AND a past president, you would think he has some kind of relevance.

Say "Proud of America" and it means she hates Michelle Obama. Don't say "proud mother and wife" and it means she hates Bill Clinton. I guess Hillary just can't escape her hateful nature.

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