Thursday, January 22, 2009


Obama may be bringing science back to the White House, but Freepers are not fans of the science. And, like so many things, the only way they see to solve the problem is destruction:

does not like the idea of funding science education:

How about NO. Not as long as they work for government schools and teach things like global warming and 2+2 means whatever you feel like.

familyop can top that:
No! Cut teacher pay! Most teachers are a big part of the problem. There aren't enough technical and engineering jobs for western culture workers anyway.

ari-freedom thinks the free market solves everything, and this is no exception:

forget the teachers and parents. Go directly to the kids and pay them. Make it competitive. Do that and the kids will push themselves despite poor teachers and curriculum. If they have internet, they will find out the best way to learn on their own. Everyone else will; learning math will be part of the culture.

The Internet plus capitalism has totally made teachers obsolete!

But only metmom has the guts to get to the real problem:

The more God has been removed from the public education system, the worse it’s gotten. If you have any evidence to the contrary, by all means, feel free to post it.

See? Freepers are just yearning for the good old days! Like 1616.

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