Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No arrests?! Impossible!

I guess the capitol police's plan to minimize arrests went well. Freepers' reactions are hilariously predictable:

meowmeow comes from a different reality, where Obama is Hitler and everyone else has a goatee:
Goebbels propaganda machine in action. That's not what I heard listening to the police scanner...

SouthCarolinaKit agrees:
Latest number is 800,000 but elephant media continues to spout the 2 million count. Actually LBJ out drew OHB.

"elephant media?" I am also impressed with the total lack of sources.

BibChr thinks this is a sign of something more sinister:
...although there were several disappearances.

CaribouCrossing takes the statistic as true, but it still proves Dems are evil:
If this is true, perhaps it is because the majority of those who came to the ceremony are spoiled children in adult bodies (libs). And like with spoiled children, they can be very good when they are getting their way. They got their way yesterday.

CaribouCrossing again, finding the cloudy lining in the silver:
They left it to someone else to pick up the garbage they brought with them

DISGUSTING!!!!!! What the heck is the matter with some people?!

Indeed! Everything good is propaganda, and everything bad is totally true! Also, expected things like littering are now DISGUSTING!!

1 comment:

  1. You know, when your party is the one with the elephant for the logo, you should be more careful when using "elephant" as an insult.

    We are talking about Rush Limbaugh here, right?
