Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday potpourri.

Particularly crazy posts I found around Free Republic over the weekend:

Nonstatist tells us what kind of regime the Freepers want:

Franco and Pinochet, two of my favorites. Way under appreciated , IMO

If you had any doubt that these people are all about totalitarian rule and the deaths of their opponents, look no further.

oldbrowser takes a common Free Republic position:

I think Israel has mandatory service for it's young people. I like the idea of the discipline of military service which instills national pride.

We have a great country but we are at a tipping point where we have more takers than we have givers. Everybody wants their "rights" but nobody ever talks about responsibilities.

If it were done correctly, I believe we could revive the American spirit which started to wither away fifty years ago.

That being said, if the present socialist administration has anything to do with it, it could spell the end of freedom as we know it.
"It's a good policy, but if Obama does it, it's HORRIBLE!"

SpitfyrAce actually goes farther than Rand, straight into Master Race territory:
It strikes me as hilarious that libs can talk about how some people are born gay or born some such way that justfies their standards or morality, but when someone is born to be a leader and producer in our capitalist system then that person must surely be a greedy bastard deserving of nothing but scorn. Nice.
Jeez, I hate Nazi analogies in general, but here you have bald-faced social Darwinism.


  1. Half of that whole Franco thread is some pretty creepy stuff--the other half is offtopic jokes by posters who are, I imagine, nervously laughing to themselves while typing.

  2. "We have a great country but we are at a tipping point where we have more takers than we have givers. Everybody wants their "rights" but nobody ever talks about responsibilities."

    Except, you know, Barack Obama. BUT HE"S THE BAD GUY, OH NOES!
