Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Obama is being all diplomatic about the Iranian election. Freepers would prefer Obama to jump in with both feet. Or maybe that he not speak at all. Or that he bomb them now. The point is, Obama is super de-duper wrong again!

mojito knows what it's called when Obama doesn't treat each country exactly the same:

Yet another triumph for moral relativism.

Because diplomacy means saying exactly what you think!

cousair is sure Obama's speeches dictate the results of elections all overr the world:

End result....the Obamanation’s speech was a dud, fell on deaf ears world wide, what a comedown for the messiah!! Since when does he not meddle in everything???...take note of his “unclench your fist” speech in Egypt. That fell on deaf ears too. This little dictator is about to get a huge letdown if and when America realizes how they have been had...and this is only the beginning.

counterpunch agrees that Iran rotates around America:
If [Obama] didn’t want to meddle in Iran’s election, he wouldn’t have gone to Cairo and called on them to “unclench [their] fist.”
He created a situation where had Ahmadinejad lost, he would have claimed credit and Iran would have been humiliated.
He forced them to manufacture an Ahmadinejad win.
0bama is directly responsible for the situation in Iran today.
Because Iran is all about what Uncle Sam thinks.

rjp2005 thinks this election has dire consequences for Iran's nuclear program:

Mr. President, there is nothing meddling about speaking the truth about Iran.

They are a nation founded on hostage taking and terrorism. Speak up now or we will soon be held hostage by their nuclear ambitions.

Dixie Yooper is one of many in the thread who is sure Iran is just like USA.
Obama not only wants to observe and see how Iran handles the protesters, but he also wants to see how other countries react to whatever Iran does. This will greatly influence him on how to handle us when the time comes.
See also drpix
Obama's ACORN brown-shirts charged and convicted for voter fraud across the nation.

Obama's AG Holder withdraws charges against the Black Panther thugs who intimidated voters with a club and racist insults.

Obama's DOJ stops Georgia from weeding out illegal aliens and the dead from their voters role.

How CAN Obama preach to Ahmadinejad about electoral integrity? In fact, this could be another thing that the two see eye-to-eye on - along with their view that America is guilty for the problems of the world.
Alright then! Play us off, Zanton!

So so lame. :-( Where is the clarion call for the rights of man? The furious demand for liberty and justice for all? The Founding Fathers would HATE Obama’s pathetic, sissyboy, amoral, feckless, meandering reply.

You mean the "avoid foreign entanglements" guys? Yeah...the Founders were all about empire.

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