Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush and the NFL

Freepers are not used to seeing Rush lose to the free market. Thus, they go back to their old wheelhouses like Linus and his security blanket:

stockpirate has an entirely realistic plan:
If Rush fails to get this conservatives should STOP watching NFL games.
goldstategop knows libs when he sees them:
The sports world is dominated by libs. They just don't like conservatives joining their "club."
er, yes, football owners are totally Dems. The way you can tell is that you don't like their decision.

massgopguy goes with Obama master plan:

This isn’t about football. This is the White House running a double reverse on Rush’s ability to stop Socialized Medicien. Goddell doesn’t even know he’s a dupe.

Rutles4Ever trots out this old faithful:

This is the very definition of fascism. "Think like us or we will punish you..."

100%FEDUP just starts makign connections:

Now let's look at the facts.:
1. Jane Skinner (the commish's wife) works for FNC.
2. Rupert Murdoch was helped by Roger Ailes to build FNC into the Media Monolith it is.
3. Roger Ailes turned Rush from a small radio station talkie into the Media Monolith he is.

Conclusion: It's time for Jane Skinner to be FIRED!


I added paragraphs to cquiggy's race rant for readability:

Lets see according to the Commissioner of the NFL and the media Rush is a racist just like every other white male in America.

And according to the numbers it looks as if about 80% of NFL players are black if they are correct about all whites being racist then I think all whites should stop buying tickets for the games. This will give the unfairly treated blacks the opportunity to buy better seats for lower bargain basement prices.

Until the teams all go broke due to a lack of ticket sales and an increase in violence at the games including armed robberies in the stands and drive by shootings in the parking lots.

Soon the black on black murder rate will go even higher due to the reduced prices and the popularity of football in the hood.

On the bright side after a short time most of the teams will file for bankruptcy and Rush can buy multiple teams for pennies on the dollar. He will be able to hire players for minimum wage because they sure as hell cant work anywhere else. Most cant even read and write.

I encourage all conservatives and all white males also known by the liberal male as all racist whites to boycott the NFL. Break the Bastards now.


  1. You think Freeper reaction was funny? Try the reaction from RedState titled Tonight... We Are All Rush Limbaugh. Even some of the posters there were wondering if the article was serious.

  2. Hahaha,
    We are all Rush Limbaugh,I am laughing so hard. Although the option of being such a rich guy would be great. I wish I was...

  3. the last post seems like something out of Stromfront. Most black can't even read ? Violence in stadiums will go up due to popularity amongst blacks ? not long ago such a comment would have been zotted, now most freepers agree with it.

  4. FR is Stormfront. There is not much difference. All the reasonable posters left or were banned long ago.
