Thursday, April 8, 2010


McDonnell, Virginia's latest conservative star, made April Confederacy month. He notably left out slavery. Then took it back. Freepers sputter at the quick reverse and another Jackson Pollock of racial crap hits the internet:

Sacajaweau halls out two old chestnuts :blacks should be grateful, AND our founders did it:
I get tired of this...The two biggy Virginans...Washington and Jefferson had slaves...

They would have been better off in Africa...or on the streets.

America became their only chance and they're blowing it...
traditional1 goes for moral equivalence:

The REAL ABOMONATION is not slavery from 200 years ago. It’s the TAX SLAVERY of ourselves and the next two generations, so far, who have to be fleeced of their earnings to hand out to the “less fortunate”, and to purchase and/or subsidize the Government takeovers of private businesses.

Only keeping like $200,000 of your 400K salary is just like being property!

BnBlFlag is a subtle one:

Today’s Southerners, when compared to their ancestors, are Pussies.

Recovering_Democrat goes with a favorite of the right: the Dems were the bad ones 150 years ago!
I apologize for people who never owned slaves who keep apologizing.

I apologize for people who never were slaves who keep behaving as if they still are.

I apologize for a media who will take this stupid story and run with it, making it a huge deal when this nation is sliding into slavery to government.

I do not apologize for the Democrat party--the party of slavery, segregation, and sustained sustenance by government.

SUSSA manages to dig back even further to find Dem crimes:

You know, I never hear a Democrat apologize for that genocidal maniac and the Democrat Congress who tried to exterminate the Cherokee. Andrew Jackson tried to ethnically cleanse the Southeast. He had the military forcibly round up Cherokees and take them on a death march to the wilderness. Among the Cherokee 4,000 people out of a population of just 17,000 died on the death march.

1 comment:

  1. SUSSA is right, andrew jackson was a genocidaire. However, he definetly wasn't liberal...
