Thursday, May 20, 2010

Freepers versus some Comunist

Some high school teacher/Communist/Illegal immigrant activist guy spouts off about revolution and hating on cops. This is like anti-Freepomium. Like anti-matter and matter are attracted to one another and annihilate, so too must Freepers and anti-Freepomium annihilate, but instead of energy, you just get crazy rage:

montag813 equates La Raza with Al Queda, since everything Freepers don't like has to be part of the same evil Comunist/Nazi/Muslim/Globalist cabal.
remember that MEChA and La Raza both have STRONG ties to terrorist groups like long will it be before Mexican “revolutionaries” hook up with Al Queda, and bring nuclear materials into the U.S. across our porous border like Arizona?
AuntB has a story to tell us:
in February, the US. soccer team left the Los Angeles Coliseum after losing 1-0 to Mexico’s team and, as the Americans left the field, they were pelted with water bombs, beer bottles and garbage; when our national anthem was played, it was drowned out with booing, whistles and hoofing, most of it from Hispanics. A Mexican government spokesman suggested that such boorishness (to say no more) could be avoided in the future simply by not playing The Star Spangled Banner at soccer games.
Yeah, we should invade. Or at least hate everyone who looks Mexican.

Squantos thinks the solution for such blatantly impotent speech is death:

Such trash is no less a threat to americas safety than the threat presented by islamic terrorists or enemy nations overt and covert attacks on our infrastructure.

Arrest, short trial, and long rope solution for such as this Peon POS

Shop Arizona !

SaraJohnson has boycotted making sense:
Upping the ante! Mexican race war against American cops now? It’s a Marxist attention whore like Dear Reader.
Cause Obama hates cops, I guess?


Sucking up to hyphentaes--no matter how vile and hate-filled---continues unabated. US culture has been undermined by Political Correctness and the liberal veneration of "diversity."

AAABEST goes farther:

Not to quibble, but it's not political correctness any longer. Large factions of the left are moving into some type of seditious, radical madness that's truly - without exaggeration - approaching the demeanor of the early 20th century Bolsheviks. This guy and those like him are not an anomaly.

Political correctness was rather quaint compared to whatever it is these people are promulgating.
Note that anti-Freepomium, while rare, is hilarious.


  1. But of course the geometry teacher who taught angles by giving the example of shooting the president gets a whole other perspective.

  2. Wow, that's a quick subject change there. Straight to laffs about JFK.
