Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Obama surrenders to Pakistan.

A treat for you all today.

Hillary Clinton is taking a hardline stance with respect to Pakistan's cooperation with America in the War on Terror. Said one US official, "Sorry, if there is a successful attack, we will have to act."

Freepers begin to spin wildly about why this is a bad idea. Never have I seen more differing points of view as to why Obama is evil this time than in this thread:

deaconjim thinks Obama threaten Pakistan too publicly:

There’s a big difference between telling the Pakistani government this, and making a public statement about it. By going public, Obama has just invited a serious attack.

Grunthor, on the other hand, thinks threats are just like invitations:

“Obama Admin: “If there’s a successful terrorist attack, we will have to act (within Pakistan)”

Translation, “you get a free one, make it count.”

Sacajaweau notes this official didn't mention unsuccessful attacks:
unsuccessful attacks don't count???

That's like saying: If Iran sends a nuke missile our way and it explodes prematurely, we do nothing. How stupid is he???
Because not exhaustively mentioning what you will do in response to every action means you're going to do nothing!

Oldpuppymax just doesn't believe the Obama administration would threaten anyone other than whites:

Oh please. Hussein making threats to ANYONE other than white, working, taxpaying American citizens? I’m sure they’re just shaking in their shoes in Pakistan.

Mad_Tom_Rackham also thinks Obama isn't going to follow through with what he says:
He means he'll have to send Hillary to Pakistan on a "Listening Tour" to find out what we're doing wrong to incite such hatred, and how we can better appease the people of color whom we have so egregiously offended.
La Enchiladita thinks this is all an effort to destabilize Pakistan:

I think you’re both on to something: Comrade Obowma aims to install his (and the islamist jihadists’) preferred regime in Pakistan. He’s been rattling the sword in their direction ever since the campaign.

jpsb is against invasion:

Empty threat, US ground forces in Pakistan would lead to civil war in Pakistan. Bad idea.

Art in Idaho thinks this threat is some kind of message saying the opposite:
This is so pathetic. . and he's our CIC?. . yet another (not so veiled this time) invitation to attack. .

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