Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On the Swearing-in Fail

It was an amusing story, that Republican Congressmen Sessions and Fitzpatrick missed the swearing in, thinking that raising their hands and watching TV was enough. Not that it was a big deal, but what were they thinking?! Of course, for Freepers, nothing is ever just funny:

Frantzie blames the media for reporting facts:
It is so easy for Tv and the media to demonize Republican politicians on the first day they are in office because idiots take the TV, Media brainwashing and smears bait easily.
Boehner had barely touched the gavel and he was being demonized by the press and attacked by GE/NBC’s Brian Williams who is a big phony like anyone on TV.. Keep watching TV idiots and taking the elites/left bait and brainwashing

CharlesWayneCT takes speculative victim status:
But I can guarantee you if it was democrats, the press wouldn’t have mentioned it, they wouldn’t be changing the votes, and nobody would care.

American Dream 246 knows Democrats wouldn't have cared about the gaffe - more proof they hare America!
Only when they are republicans - don’t care about the Constitution if they
were democrats. and remember - the new editor at the Blaze come from
Huffington...what was Beck thinking???

surfer disagrees with the attacks on the media. But then crosses over sanity to go into crazy on the other side of the fence:
The two idiots should be forced to resign. Incredible after everything that
is going on that someone’s judgement could be so fubar. We don’t need people
with no compass in congress now.

Silly, formalistic screw-ups that effect nothing oughta be a hangin' offence!

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