Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wellstoning the AZ memorial service

Some on the left are a bit taken aback by the violent reaction to Obama's speech at the memorial in Arizona. But as the veteran Freeper Free Republic reader I am, the reason is clear: they want a repeat of the Wellstone Memorial fracas. They see tarring that hopeful memorial as insufficiently somber as a great success for the movement. Thus their rage about a rather innocuus, University created T-shirt.

Josephat goes into the historical comparisons, with a healthy amount of revision:

“This is NOT the Oklahoma City bombing. This is NOT the 3,000 people massacred at WTC.”
You’re right. It is much more similar to the Fort Hood shootings. The contrast in the way the two tragedies were handled is breathtaking. In one a muslim terrorist shot our soldiers and the government told us not to jump to conclusions about his connection to spite of his allah akbar prelude. They told us it may be a lone nut.

Obama's speech isn't saying don't jump to concusions?

Dead Corpse thinks this was pre-planned and Fascist:

The Left's response to this whole tragedy has come across as "shrink wrapped and pre-scripted". From the very first shrill accusations, to the farce last night. Even the Fascist slogan on the t-shirts was pre-planned and ready to go to the presses on a moments notice.
Nothing in government takes less than a week to plan and events like this require a lot of coordination.
Wait for the event, execute the response.
Let's back up a second... I said "Fascist" up above. Too strong a word? I don't think so. "Together we thrive". Fascism is predicated on the notion that even though individual twigs may break, a strong bundle stays strong. Together with the pageantry and platitudes, you have an event that Mussolini would have been proud to have been a part of.

butterdezillion uses a personal tragedy to speak for the family against Obama:

January 12th was the day that we lost our first child 18 years ago, stillborn.
If somebody had tried to “comfort” me by an event like that I would have felt like I had been used and my pain mocked.
I extend my sympathy to the families involved, not only because of their huge loss, but also for the feelings they may have had to deal with as a result of that rally.



Obamah's Massacre Rally !
Obamah! Obamah!
...oh yeah, and prayers for the victims.
Off the chart disrespectful & inappropriate

Sacajaweau doesn't believe anything happened the way Obama said it does:

I saw two minutes of it...Nothing more that a political rally. Disgusting.
And what about paid government officials reading from the bible...
P.S. They declared her opening her eyes right after Obama left as miraculous.
I'm inclined to believe that she has already opened them several times before...

Well, such speculation is basically proof Obama's a liar!

SumProVita thinks this is about illegal imigration

I watched this last night. I noticed his entourage: Michele, Holder, Napolitano, Pelosi and Clyburn (with various other liberals). It didn’t take long to realize that the venue was a left-leaning university in a blue city and that the crowd was there not so much to mourn, but to rally around Obama and the leftists.

I felt sorry for Governor Brewer. Obama mentioned that he was there for Arizona and would be back if they needed him. I thought of his abandonment of protecting their border and the other Arizonans who had died because of that.
This was definitely political theater and a 2012 campaign thrust. It is clear that Obama loves the limelight. There is no humility about him. His talk was good but I wonder if many noticed his two very quiet references to gun control and help for the mentally ill?

rightwingintelligentsia thinks all true conservatives gotta hate this:
I had a conversation this morning on my way up the elevator with a co-worker I thought leaned conservative.
She was impressed with Obama’s speech last night, and couldn’t figure out why I thought the t-shirts were tacky.

Earthdweller blames Obama for Earthdweller hating Obama:

The problem, Barry has never been our President..he is and remains the Campaigner in Chief.
He should have quietly attended services that were not a circus and then quietly talked to the American people from his office.
Instead, he campaigned at a political “pep rally” where he shook hands with a politically rancid Sheriff on national TV.
The speech would have worked if it hadn’t been for Barry and Barry alone. Fail again Mr. Present.


  1. So how long were you a Freeper? What did you say that eventually got you zotted? I was under the impression you had gotten zotted as a relative newbie.

  2. Heh. I should correct that. I Never actually joined and posted - I'm much to liberal to do anything other than point and laugh. By 'Freeper' I just meant someone who reads the site.

    Been reading the site on-and-off since about 2003, but in earnest since 2005.

  3. Ah, OK. I thought I had remembered in one post where a Freeper wondered if you were a former poster you implied that you had been zotted and that's why you use the name vikingkitties for this blog. I can't find that post anymore but I probably could if I go back through them all.

  4. I may have implied such, to screw with the Freeper. But nope, never posted, only lurked.

  5. Ah yes, I found it:

    TornadoAlley3 begins to wonder who I am:

    What is that website, A FReeper got the zot?

    Hmmm. Methinks the "vikingkitties" address could be a clue...

    I didn't realize you were only screwing with them. :)
