Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fat people cannot make arguments

Michael Moore says he's paying an extra million in taxes, as he feels he can take more of the burden. Sounds like a liberal putting his money where his mouth is? Wrong - he is fat, you see.

Vaquero thinks this act deserves the death penalty:

this fat pig of a man...can not tell me where MY money needs to go...

if he manipulates those who have the ability to take my money, to take my money..then he is every bit as much of a THIEF and might as well have a gun at my head....

Thieves need to be exterminated.
indylindy knows what democracy is:
Why stop at an extra million Fatso? I think you should give up 3 million.

In fact, the majority of people with less want to force you to give up 3 million.

There is more of us and we decided you don’t get to voluntarily choose the amount.

Yes, that is how government works, indylindy! Good job!

ExTxMarine has this fine work:

This is what is wrong with the liberal left - they all actually think like this! They believe that since the government prints money, it is the government’s money - a shared resource which should be doled out “equally” (I use that term very loosely)!!

But, what they don’t understand or actually REFUSE TO HEAR is that I trade my services, skills, knowledge and time for that money. So, if they own the rights to that money, then basically they own the rights to my services, skills, knowledge and time - that is basically government sanctioned indentured servitude by ALL of those who actually work!!!! Please, realize that is SOCIALISM - PERIOD!!! The government has a right to demand that you work to help those who do not work! You have no choice but to give your time and services to the government and they get to decide what is done with it (via the almighty dollar)!!!

These people are absolutely CRAZY!!!
Yes, person who thinks all taxes are slavery, it is everyone else who is CRAZY!!! Though on the upside, this guy is too unhinged to make a fat joke, so there is that.

AppyPappy just assumes this difficult fact out of existence:
Note: Moore is a liberal and therefore not obligated to tell the truth.
bikerman also just edits this out of his reality:
If porky is giving a million extra he must owe 3 million and is hoping the IRS wont notice. He’s a phoney.
Cheburashka :
Not enough, Blubber Boy. The check has to be large enough to hurt, and I mean hurt, or it doesn't mean squat. Joe Sixpack doesn't get to decide how much to send in, whether it hurts or not. And we both know you're sending in an extra mil because that doesn't hurt, not for you. want more taxes on the rich, since they can shoulder the burden better? Or will you use any logic to attack a liberal, regardless of what you actually belive?

Thought so.


  1. Yeah, let's see them make these exact same arguments if the Koch brothers decide to do this. Watch them be heralded as "patriots" and "real American heroes."

  2. Huh,
    If Michael Moore wants to pay more in taxes, then all power to him. But just because he wants to pay more taxes, does not mean that I have to. Michael Moore is a disgusting hypocrite, he bashes capitalism while making money off the very system he despises. If capitalism is so bad, and the Cuban health system is so good, why does he not move to Cuba. Oh no, he will live here make money off the free market system, all the while bashing it. Michael Moore is no different from the average Freeper, a disgusting hate filled hypocrite.

  3. I don't think that Michael Moore ever put forth the argument that other people should pay more taxes just because he is.

  4. Well said, euphgeek. Paying for one's ideals is not the same as forcing them on others.

    And criticizing America's economic system doesn't mean you hate capitalism, though if you want to paint Moore as a hypocrite you're welcome to it. I'm not a fan of his polemical style myself.

    Props on not calling him fat, though!
