Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Freeper Feminism

An article about why the author is a male feminist shows what a lot of Freepers think about equality of the sexes:

ken21 knows all about men who think women should be paid equally:

castrati whining.
MichiganConservative thinks the solution is having game:
Feminism is the sickness. Game is the cure. Christian men, learn game and use it on your women. It isn't just about picking up random women. It is about understanding women's irrationality, behavior, and powers of rationalization and using it to your advantage to get what you want. If you're a Christian, that should be a lifetime marriage and children. If you're a Christian man, you should not want a feminist woman. A feminist woman is tainted.

A feminist man is pathetic.

Be an emotionally manipulative bastard - for Christ!

MichiganConservative tops himself:

Yeah, sure. You women want equal rights. Until it suits you to be treated like a child. Then you want to be treated like a child. Feminists pass laws that treat men like responsible adults and women like irresponsible children, thus creating an uneven playing field tipped in favor of women. That’s the fruit of feminism. That is one of the reasons why feminism is evil.
laweeks knows how you can tell a manly man = how he pees:
Toilet seat’s always down in his/her house, I’ll bet. Future Phil Donahue.
NorthStarStateConservative would like to introduce race into the discussion for no good reason:
I’d like to see him call himself a male feminist in the middle of the ghetto. The black women over there would probably call him gay and start spitting out babies for the pants on the floor crowd.
ClearCase_guy has some use for Feminism - supporting women without any regard for actual policies:
Oh? A male feminist? Then you must support Sarah Palin, right? I mean, she's the strongest, most powerful, most influential woman in the country. You do support her, don't you? No?
Then I guess you're nothing but a communist.
Soothesayer yearns for the real feminism of the 1850s:
Capitalism is bad? Sounds like another leftist turd who joined the ‘feminist’ cause to be a sleazebag, get laid, and avoid paying child support. Of course, they love to refer to themselves as “enlightened” and “empathetic”. What a load of crock.

It was American capitalism of the 1850s, the corporations, the big producers who gave jobs and education to women. It was true feminism, not the leftist hate-mongering feminism of today. Even blacks could sometimes be treated with respect in northern factories. It was miraculous!

Meanwhile, the oppressive dictatorships of the third world still treat women like third-class citizens...slightly below the neighborhood hounds. The leftist vermin of the west took it one step further down the path of pure evil and made women so worthless that they should seek to become a man. Not even the broken cultures of the third world can match the dementia and evil of the leftist filth who walk among us.


  1. My theory is that Freeper men are only married to one type of woman: The Stockholm Syndrome suffering Stepford wife. Which, most likely, is also the sort of women who post at FR.

  2. Freepers think that only one demographic should call the shots, their demographic. For all the caterwauling on how libruls are race-obsessed, freepers are obsessed with race. Take a look at these threads


  3. I know I shouldn't be surprised at this point with the insane things freepers post, but wow. That's some crazy misogyny going on there.

    I do think it's odd a couple of them are talking about taking away the right to vote for women. The right to vote's in the Constitution; I thought freepers were crazy about "PROTECTING THE CONSTITUTION!!11!1".
