Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Teachers: Lazy and rich!

Freepers come down against that most hated of professions - public school teachers! Everyone knows how good they have it, though no Freeper would be so dishonorable to get involved in the public education system.

milwguy does some math:

TEN days work per year for 1/3 of their yearly salary for THREE years???? To quote Obama, WTF? They get their generous pension and 1/3 of their salary for 10 days work? The AVERAGE salary of a GB public school teacher is $55,100 so I would think these teachers make in excess of $60k per year. One third of that is $20k divided by TEN DAYS IS $2000 PER DAY or $250 PER HOUR WORKED!!! Name me any private sector employee that offers this kind of benefit?

The truth is these teachers are not willing to make ANY sacrifice and they will suck the taxpayer dry as long as humanly possible.

Yep, everyone knows teachers are only working while actually in the classroom!

Tzimisce is concerned about minorities, somehow:
The unions (in every state) should have had their asses paddled years ago. Instead, it’s come to well entrenched minorities holding us hostage.
Always Independent also does some math:
my wife and I are in aerospace (big company non union) usually considered to have good benefits. Both over thirty years and getting ready to retire. The best we can expect to receive on our pensions is around 50% salary. We pay a portion of our health insurance. When we retire, we have to pay for a larger share of our health insurance plus perscription drug which is at leats 1/3 more with no dental or vision coverage. We need to TAX the excessive benefits of these union clowns.
Hmmm...I wonder if 50% of an aerospace salary is more than what a teacher gets to retire on. Well, it doesn't matter 'cause health care costs are awful - someone should do something about that!

dools0007world thinks the hateful unions will collapse, revealing Obama to be a Muslim Kenyan somehow!
Anything built on a weak or duplicitous foundation ultimately fails. The union teacher’s scam is finally collapsing. I predict this will cascade to many other states. I further predict that The Usurping Marxist Onada will attempt to forestall it. This, in turn, will serve to show up Onada for who he is: A fundamentalist Islamoterrorist hiding under a Marxist commie cloak.

The man is a uspurping president, a traitor and terrorist. He should be charged as such, found guilty, consigned to Leavenworth and then deported to his birth country—Kenya.

It is way past time to call this dirt bag out for who he really is.
The article has a graph. KeyLargo is pretty sure that's for all the illiterate Democrats:
Yes, the Dims cannot reason or seldom are able to read so MSM displays most of their information in cartoon pictures and graph format for easy viewing of the sheeple masses.
Wisconsinlady :
If I hear one more administrator or teacher try to tell me “it’s all about the kids”, I think I will puke all over them.
Well, puking on people does keep you from having to argue that teachers are in it for the money, I suppose.


  1. Yeah, my mother was a teacher and I can't tell you how incredibly rich we were, what with our hoity-toity powdered milk, our palatial fixer-upper house and our opulent rust bucket cars. Yep, we were living in the lap of luxury.

  2. Yeah, this might be the ballsiest example of Right Wing overreach I've seen.
