Friday, July 15, 2011

Everybody wins!

My treatment of the whole thread is coming, but I had to highlight this set of comments by top crazy Freeper Candor7


Bring on this false crisis. The money we lack in revenues is money to fund
Obamas hand oiut agenda, like his 8 billion to Acorn prior to the 2012
election.Thats the true stickler here.

Obama wants to lose. He wants a fakse crisis so he can freeze certain payments, blame Republicans, ride in on a white horse of the MSMs making , and resecure his popiularity as the champion of the “little man” against the corporate jet setters.

Obama knows he has lost. He wants to lose. He wants this debt crisis like a man grasping a turd as he begins his cyclonic ring around just prior to being flushed down the toilet.

So if the US defaults on it's debt, the Freepers win to shrink government AND Obama wins somehow too.

But he'll still lose cause he'll get impeached and then killed in Civil War 2: White Justice.

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