Friday, September 16, 2011

Epic Pettiness

It seems when Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyerasked for a Bud Light, the White House didn't have one. Freepers react in an epically petty way. This is a special one, folks!

Buckeye McFrog
sees evidence of corruption:

Probably this is because Jesse Jackson threatened Barry’s huevos during the ‘08 campaign. Jesse Jr. has the Bud distributorship in of the largest in the nation.

Uri’el-2012 knows the solider wishes Obama had made a bif formal t hing of the beers:
It demonstrates complete disregard
for anyone outside the WH.

Someone who cares would have called ahead
and asked sending someone out to buy whatever
in order to make the visitor welcome.

This was all about a photo op for ZERO.

It shows ZERO's utter contempt for our HEROs

Kirkwood sees evidence of cheapness:

You would think obama would spring for some pretzels or peanuts to go with the beer. Guess the WH entertainment budget has been depleted by moochelle.

laweeks is reminded the First Lady is fat, and Obama smokes:

Bet they have a lot of donuts for Her Royal Hind-Ass! What else would explain her back porch and driveway.

But Obambi could have given him a cigarette, right??????? Gee, Obambi smoking in a publicly owned building . . . bet we couldn't smoke on a tour through that building, could we? But the muslim-in-chief can . . . hmmmmmm
Batman11 is reminded Obama is gay:

I don’t drink Bud Light, but Zero is definitely light in the loafers.

rotstan speculates Obama's tastes are not manly:

I’ll bet they had wine coolers!

Hogblog goes even further in making up Obama's lameness:

I picture Barry sipping on a Zima.......

Bushbacker1 sees evidence of Obama's fascism:

Bowbama - “Dakota, you’ll drink what we have AND you’ll enjoy it!”

Lazlo in PA likes racist jokes:
I read the White House usually only has a few select alcoholic beverages that are favorites with the occupants.

[Pic of Malt Liquor]
Vaduz is one of many toi second the Malt Liquor "joke"

What’s the price-30 twice
What’s the reason grapes are in season
who drinks it most
us colored folke

frog in a pot adds to the pile-on:
Surprising given the host’s apparent inclinations that they are not serving Gallo’s twist-top Eden Roc along with that T-bird.
Beelzebubba is still fucking that birther chicken:
[Pic of Kenyan Beer]
fredhead knows his beer of choice must be safe from Obama:
I guarantee you they didn't have this either.....

[Pic of Pabst Blue Ribbon]
Cue a pic of Obama drinking PBR, and fredhead having to switch beers...


  1. Freepers should really come up with a far less self-destructive addiction like cocaine.

  2. isn't pbr suppose to be the hipster beer ?
