Friday, October 7, 2011

The Cain Train

Cain is surging, much like Perry and Bachman before him. Freepers don't seem to troubled about how he isn't too fond of racist terms, or how he walks back blanket distrust of Muslims. Nor do they care about his 9% sales tax idea.

His policies (what few there are) don't really seem to matter at all. It's something else. Something Freepers have been pretty excited about for some time:

Seriously, the thread is 90% about Cain's awesome blackness.

pop-aye doesn't let Sarah's bowing out get him down:

Was waiting for Sarah’s decision. Now I am all in for Cain!

ThomasMore is sure Cain is totally conservative - puns never lie!

The HermanCAIN is a storm to be reckoned with. CONSERVATIVELY speaking, it
has a near perfect eye and is now a Category 5 storm.

Tribune7 is all set to stop listening to anyone criticizing Cain:

If it should turn out to be Cain v Romney, I'll crawl over glass to vote for Herman, but let's watch over the next few weeks as planted stories start claiming "he's not a true conservative", and alleging vague character flaws.

Ignore them.

Reagan69 gets to the meat of the issue:

Cain is 100%, genuine, real-deal African American !
The match up would be interesting.

And there are at least a dozen about that. All using 'interesting' for some reason.

MrB knows why no one has been criticizing Obama:

0bama and his administration have an
“impenetrable melanin-based criticism shield”
that no white man could get past.

Herman Cain can and will “get past” it, and his beliefs are sound.
The surge you see is due to the Palinites jumping on the Cainwagon.

Fantasywriter fantasizes about the debates:

Obama’s head would explode right there on stage. All he could think of would be to call Cain an Uncle Tom or an Oreo. Knowing those would backfire beyond repair, all he could do is blow steam out his ears. The Malignant Narcissist marxist man-child cannot take criticism. Cain is (1) outspoken, and (2) black. Hearing Cain spell out, in a public venue, the disastrous mistakes Obama has made would give O apoplexy.

MrB again:

African American?

Yeah, Obama is an African,

Cain is an American.

Stay tuned - some quality Perry hate coming late, late tonight.

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