Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Potpouri

Free Republic creator Jim Robinson is ensuring an awesome general election if, as seems increasingly likely, Romney wins the primary:

You’re one RomneyBot post short of a zot. C’mon. Make my day!!

Diogenesis knows Romney is a secret liberal fifth collumn:

ROMNEY has always been for Obama, hence his team attacked Gov. Palin on the
eve of Election 2008 for Obama and Romney’s DNC.

Old Teufel Hunden has a vision of America:

the 1992 LA riots. I remember seeing all the idiot looters on the evening
news and one Korean store owner on top of his boarded up store building with
some type of automatic rifle defending his property against them.

I remember thinking that is quintessentially American. A lone man, protecting his home and property from evil.

America - a country full of armed loners on the roofs with guns!

montag813 is super pissed about that Isreli hostage exchange, knows who is to blame, and has a recomendation:

If a single Israeli child is killed by one of these monsters, the selfish Shilit family should be deported. It is sickening how his Shalit’s father has made a huge political movement to do this, and more sickening still that the Israeli people bought into it, but most sickening that Bibi actually DID it.

Shame on them all.

Candor7 must not be happy:

LONG LIVE Qadaffi and may the Bedou in future surge out of the desert like
a tidal wave and liberate Libya from these ifrits that call themselves
liberators....sharia law enslavers more like.

hfr is working hard to distinguish the Church's enforced sharing from the government's enforced sharing:

the first Church was not communist in the least.
Communism is materialistic in its presuppositions. The first Church was Theistic in its presuppositions.

There is an absolute gulf separating them. It is a mistake to confuse the Christian virtues of generosity and sharing - an expression of Charity - , with Communist non-private ownership of the means of production. Sharing is not communistic.

Sharing is a Godly virtue. Communism is Godless.

AmericanInTokyo wants state police to start arresting the Occupy folks on suspicion of being Muslim:

Investigations occur as to the extent of radical islam participation in such activities, such as "Occupy this" and "Occupy that".
If it can be established in these various states that a terrorist/Islamist security issue exists within the "Occupy" groups, that state enforcement and states rights to protect domestic tranquility be enforced and the groups be forceably disbanded.

Let the Federal government sue the states, let the local law enforcement make their move. For example, if there is an "Occupy Phoenix" and it can be proven that Islamic terrorist organizations or Mexican cartels are involved in such a social destabilization, Sheriff Joe Arpaio should be able to go in and forceably disperse it, arrest those who do not disband, and the Governor of the state uphold it with the State's National Guard.

gaijin sees patterns!

1. Crazy Ohio private suicide zoo guy - 1 year spent in jail for WEAPONS VIOLATION
2. Victor Bout, Russian arms dealer & inspiration for “Lord of War” - On trial for dealing weapons to drug dealers in Latin America

LESSON: When POTUS is diverse & liberal the law only applies to, “little people”.

Challenge: Construct an argument refuting the idea that Obama is
different from dictators in Africa. Use logic and examples to do that

"POTUS is Diverse." I'm fooled.


  1. What point is the last guy trying to make? Victor Bout is on trial by a US court. Is he mistaken in this fact or is he trying to claim that Bout is one of the "little people"?

  2. So, when we point out their racism, sexism, and homophobia we're suppressing their 1st amendment rights, but when good ol' Jimbo expresses a desire to ban anyone who disagrees with him from his site, he's a patriot? Never mind that the 1st amendment only applies to government suppression, but just how the hell can these people be so deluded?

  3. @Anonymous #2,
    just how the hell can these people be so deluded?

    Lots and lots of practice.
