Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have you had your fill of Freeper paranoia? Because they want to know - is your turkey secretly Muslim?

Steelfish calls for a boycott of turkey on Thanksgiving:
Go to HoneyBaked Ham. Only boycotts will send the message. When Catholics and Christians stop doing business at “Holiday” Greetings store, car dealerships, departmental stores, they WILL get the message.
Catholics and Christians?

TSgt may not be taking this seriously enough:
I say “pissmillah on Allah” when I go to the bathroom after eating Thanksgiving dinner to reverse the curse.
Mr Ramsbotham is way ahead of the game:

Just stuff it with bacon and that will cancel out the halal.

353FMG thinks this turkeys are a metaphor for America:

“....slaughtered according to Islamic “halal” standards.”

That’s what is going to happen to this country if it continues to allow Muslims to infiltrate.

Ruy Dias de Bivar is pissed Muslims get jobs:

Maybe that is why so many Somalis are now working in the major packing plants, even around here. ;-(

hope isn't worried about his no doubt cursed turkey:

It takes a lot of mooselimbs for all those turkeys! As Christian Believers, it is more important now than ever before to pray over everything we eat...breaking the curse of false gods!


  1. What unhappy creatures these Freepers are.

    Don't they ever get tired of hate and fear?

  2. It's all they have in this world, anonymous.


    Oh dear.
