Friday, April 20, 2012

Boycot the Daily Show

Catholic League president Bill Donohue has ginned up outrage, as he is wont to do. In this case, it's John Stewart making a joke about "vagina mangers."

Even most Freepers recognize this is tilting at windmills, so it's a sparse thread. But some few worthy Freepers are all set to pile on this new liberal devil:

miss marmelstein knows humor is objective:
he’s distinctly unfunny.
Tax-chick laments Stewart's mental illness:

He is a sick, evil person ... the sort who are always drawn to Marxism. If only he’d gotten the help he needed, at some point.

Tax-chick follows up by how she learned how evil liberal commentators are:

I just read “Obama Zombies,” by Jason Mattera, and learned more about “Stewart,” Colbert, and Maher than I liked. I’d really rather not know people like this existed. Here in my little bubble of surburbia, most people are nice ;-).

Good thing Tax-chick's hatred is limited to liberals she doesn't know!

Sgt_Schultze wants to frame Stewart for mocking Islam, so he gets murdered:

If a person competent in image manipulation were to create stills of Stewart broadcasts, substituting ROP [Islam] hate for the usual Christian hate, the resulting images would propagate across the web. Once the Stewart parodies were released into the wild, who’s to say what would be the resulting response from ROP adherents worldwide?

DManA is concerned Stewart's mockery might make America hate Jews.

Serious Jewish leaders need to sit him down and explain to him that about the only place on Earth left where Jews are welcomed is North America. And that it is probably not a good idea to foul THIS nest.


  1. Just in case any of you missed it,

    RimJob Cries Uncle! [from the DUmp]

    in other news, Orly Taitz is now a super secret agent for the commies. It isn't that birthers are nuts, no, it couln't be that... could it?

    Orly is begging for sanctions.

  2. "Those filthy, soul-rotted, immoral, lice-infested, God-hating leftwingers must feel so threatened by FR that they have a 24 hour watch on the place." by CatherineofAragon
    Nice Find Anon1. I see good things for that thread already 133 comments strong.

  3. What is with the freepers' obsession with acronyms? How the hell does "ROP" mean Islam?

    1. "Religion Of Peace". An ironic (for them) acronym.
