Friday, April 6, 2012

Freepers got a problem with womn

From the anonymous legion:

It's like a vicious circle. After an orgy of right-wing misogyny and GOP attacks on contraception, a new poll has Romney 20 points behind Obama with women. Freepers, of course, respond with more misogyny:

ScottinVA has the same 'women want bad things from government' pseudo-psychological crap:
Unfortunately, to some women, especially single ones, government is Daddy, Husband, Lover and Provider all rolled up into one.

Artcore knows only liberal hags vote Democrat:

I know I sound a bit harsh, but I cannot believe the Left has us conditioned to be so fearful and accepting of their bull sh*t!

Sorry, but this notion that women (with the exception of liberal hags) are all of a sudden supporting our Marxist-in-Cheif is complete and utter B.S.! I still cannot believe how compliant FReepers are to this crap!

lentulusgracchus blames women's suffrage.

Giving women the vote was a civilizational mistake that will kill the Republic. Women don't want anything like what men do from government, and the Republic was constructed around a male electorate. Women's brain processes make them the very, very last people anyone anywhere should want next to the levers of republican government, and that's even allowing for real exceptions like Margaret Thatcher and Sarah Palin.

Overeducated, barren, man-hating Democrat women will turn America into a despotate, and then a wasteland -- like something out of Hellboy.
1) I'm not going to post any more Repeal the 19th stuff from this thread. I recently plowed that area:
2) Hellboy's world is dark because it is inhabited by all manner of magical, mythological monsters, so this is more serious than you think!

jersey117 blames Obama for the GOP's contraception crazyness. And, of course, the answer is to attack Obama harder:
obama’s little birth control scheme seems to be working. I think republicans need to do some intense opposition research into obama’s donors. the candidates need to start talking about all the dirt that’s been coming out on him. Make him look like the crooked chicago politician that he is.
Mr. Wright thinks Obama voters are white trash:

Want to see the OBAMA voters? Simply tune in and check out the audiences on WWE, Maury Povich, Steve Wilkos, and Jerry Springer Shows and you will see all the OBAMA voters you will ever want to see in your lifetime.

Vaquero has visions of the future:

wait till the Dhimmis make a switcheroo in September.

Hillary as VP will give the Marxist Manchild from Kenya another term in office...because of the said ‘Woman’s Vote’.

I would bet money on the VP switch.


  1. Oh please,
    Women voted for BJ Clinton in-spite of all his sexual perversions with them. "Right-wing" misogyny? But Sarah Palin being called a c*nt is not misogyny huh? Oops she is conservative, therefore not a womyn. Maybe right-wingers are sick of women like Flake demanding that we pay for all her bad choices.

    1. So your response to Freepers wanting to end women voting is to trot out Bills Clinton and Maher?

      That's a pretty weak equivalence.

    2. Bill Clinton did not attempt to pass any legislation denying women contraception. Strike one.

      Sarah Palin was not called a "cunt" by any Democrat running for or holding office. Strike two.

      Sandra Flake didn't demand anyone pay for any choices. She just wanted her private insurance to cover contraception. Strike three, you're out. Go hit the showers.

      You can try playing again when you evolve to the point where you can understand communication more complex than wingnut bumper sticker talking points.

    3. Shhhh, a Freeper has come out of its natural habitat. Don't scare it off, I want to take a picture.

  2. Anonymous #1, the Monica Lewensky scandal occurred well into Clinton's second term long after all the voting was over. I'm not quite sure where you were trying to go with this but I thought I'd be helpful and clear up the facts for you.

    1. It clearly never cared about facts to begin with, don't waste your time repsponding to it.

  3. Mother of god, it's almost as if they somehow have attained NEGATIVE learning curve! And as if that weren't enough, they're even whinier than usual in that thread!
