Thursday, April 19, 2012

Romney Polling ahead of Obama

Freepers pregame the 2012 election, based on polls today:

Ingtar believes nothing!

It will likely stay in Romney’s favor until the danger of a divided convention has passed. They manipulated some of the poll numbers during the primary so far to get their desired result, why would they stop now?

capt. norm thinks Romney is gonna pull a Reagan:
This is very much like the lead-in in the 1980 election The press was spreading it on really thick how Carter would win (and it was so depressing) ...and then the election happened ...
rogue yam is ready to fight!

The leftists will certainly throw everything they have at Mittlestiltskin.

Some of up are going to spend the next seven months punching back twice as hard.
Mostly by posting on Free Republic, I'm sure.

GonzoGOP is preparing for future purges now.
I won't defend Romney. I will however attack Obama at every possible opportunity. It may seem like a little thing, but four years from now we may want to primary the bum and assuming I haven't gotten the zot by then posters here will be digging through any old posts to show how I supported Romney last time. Thing is with me at least they won't find any.

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