Friday, August 17, 2012

The Sophiest of Choices

This one is pretty awesome. Nice job, Anonymous, it's so short, I woulda missed it for sure!

Freepers, like most ends-justify-the-means ideologues, are in the end authoritarians. But they have also adopted the anti-authoritarian rhetoric of the Cold War.

Usually, it's easy to reconcile these two, since you can just call fascist policies freedom and be done with it.

But lately, Russia has been getting more authoritarian, and using government in heavy-handed ways that make Freepers tingle.

It started with Pravda going birther. Many a Freeper marveled that in these crazy times, Pravda was better than the MSM.

But now that Putin has banned gay pride parades, Freepers gotta choose - the gay hating, or the Soviet-hating?

Lazamataz has a rare moment of confusion - Biblical dogma or Democracy dogma?
Russia is so weird.
I mean, on the one hand, they embrace moral causes such as not promoting homosexuality.

On the other hand, they cannot seem to master being a Republic.... Putin seems to be trying to recreate the Tsarist Russian years (though thankfully he's not returning to Communism).

If they continue to embrace morality, Russia will be favored by God and succeed. But how, if they go back to a Tsarist model? Russia is a confusing mess.
Vaquero also ID's the problem, and the only solution is armed conflict!
they get it....the behavior they are preventing(or trying to prevent...the jury is still out on that 100 year outcome), really does tears down a nation...

...unfortunately their methods and many of the other things they get, is pretty much the SOS that Hitler and Stalin advocated...the outcome being, the end of liberty.

how does a free society, put the degenerate genie back in the bottle without a major, possibly armed, conflict
I always love when Freepers want a shooting war about gay rights. Imagine the history books!

montag813 tries to thread the needle by making a virtue out of imaginary necessity:
It is a matter of survival. Their birthrates are disastrously low as it is. They can't afford for more Russian children to be recruited into the "gay movement".
Red Badger is a theocrat, so his choice is easy:
It does not matter what form of government they have. Putin could declare himself Tsar of all the Russias, and if God favors them, they will be prosperous. Saul, David and Solomon were absolute rulers, too.......
txrefugee loves how Russia handles it's mentally ill!
Now this is the way to handle the militant mentally ill. They demanded the right to have their Pervert Parades for 100 years, and the government bans them for 100 years.
Democracy loses the battle for scottjewell as well:
I think Russia may become a moral light unto the world in the future...

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