Friday, September 21, 2012

Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz for Obama!

Freepers love Clint Eastwood, but hate them some hot Obama supporters.

bray wishes they'd understand the awful world Obama made him imagine:
Sure seems to spend more time with the 1% than the 99%. Bunch of commie libs who need to be taxed at 99% to help understand communism.
SMARTY finds holding fundraisers creepy:
Will they auction off his toe nail clippings to the highest bidder?

Will they salivate over life size poster-board images of their idol?

This is really creepy!
JaxLaxDad thinks he sees signs of Obama weakening:
I BO running out of donors?

He’s had the hip-hop moguls fundraiser before, and he’s had the Wintour/Paltrow fundraiser before, along with Sarah Parkersomething.

He’s got Weinstein in Hollywood as well.

Same names every month.
liberalh8ter may not understand election law, but that doesn't stop him!
If one dollar was donated by a foreign source, Diaz, Paltrow and the rest of them should be charged with a crime and prosecuted.
driftless2 knows these two are dumb anyhow:
Most Hollyweird and other celebs will naturally be drawn to the “hip” candidate. Even when the hip candidates are doofuses like Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis.

Does anyone believe either Paltrow or Diaz have ever read all the way through a serious book in their lives? Or the great majority of Hollyweird libs unless it was a biography of Che Guevara or some similar panegyric to a leftist idol?

In short, we’re talking about exceptionally vapid airheads who get paid gazillions for strutting around showing off their physical attributes while reciting words on a cue card.
Dukakis was hip?

SMARTY also know sya don't trust celebs. Unless they're names are Eastood, Heston, Reagan...
Most of the celebrities in Hollywood (not counting Paltrow who only got into film because her family is ‘connected’ and has NO talent to speak of)are former parking lot valets and manicurists.

Do I really want political advice from people who get along in life because of the attributes of their ‘person’.... and not because they are accomplished intellectuals who have read AT LEAST as much as I have ...(to be fair) not the SAME things I read, but AT LEAST as much???

Do I???? N O T

If they spent as much time working on what's between their ears as they spend at the gym or putting paint on their faces, we could have a conversation... until then, forget it!
libh8er explains that liberals only vote Democrat because it's cool. And also abortion. And because they're rich.
Image is the only reason Hollywood liberals vote Democrat. Rush was right about this the other day. Democrats - “modern”, “progressive”, support women’s right to kill their own babies.. truly the party of the modern era. Republicans — “old fashioned”, “regressive”, uncool, want to keep women oppressed.. That to them is the extent of Democrat vs Republican. Policies do not matter because the wealth accumulated from feigning emotions and reciting lines in front of a camera keeps them insulated from the effects of policies.
Tuanedge may be a bit bitter:
A plague on both their faces.

1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah Dukakis was hip. Don't you remember?
