Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pizza War

I guess Freepers like their political fights to be fast food based?

A Pizza Owner photographed giving Obama a bear-hug is getting anti-Obama spam on Yelp and is threatened with a boycott. It was silly when it was Democrats and the CEO of Chik-Filet. It is petty sad when it's one guy who took no political positions.

Freepers don't get that lesson, it seems.

bcsco is sure the Obama hug was staged:
You’re the one who met with Obama at the WH before the event. It was obviously a staged event and gave you your 15 minutes of fame. Now you’re seeing exactly what that fame is worth. I hope you understand, you did it to yourself. I don’t give a rat’s a$$ what impact it has on your business.
Cowgirl of Justice loved the Chik Fil A battle so much, she's joining the other side to do it again!
The Chick Fil A lovers are coming home to roost!!
skeeter has little sympathy for the pizza maker's plea for nonpartisan understanding:
“There’s no middle line anymore, and that’s exactly what’s wrong with our country right now.”

This guy is too stupid to get too mad at.

There IS no middle line anymore, either you are part of the effort to take down this country or you're against it. There's nothing good about being ambivalent.
nhwingut is also excited to take his political frustrations out on random civilians:
The guy is supporting the man who will destroy this country... And he wants those who oppose Obama to chill out and buy his pizza? Screw him. He can pound sand. Pizza shops are a dime a dozen.
KGeorge hasn't been reading Free Republic, it seems:
Coexist = Submit. (Or as 0bama will put it, you have a “mandate” to submit)

I don’t recall reading that anyone called for a boycott
philman_36 knows this pizza crap is better than reading the polls these days. He may have a point:
Who needs polls! Real life gives the situation definition.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we should start bringing down small businesses run by or supported by Freepers. See how they like it.
