Monday, October 29, 2012

One of us! One of us!

As predicted, Freepers are now embracing Romney as one of their own. For instance, evidence Romney may not be as super pro-life as he says he is? Liberal distraction psy-ops!

Perdogg finds it all so predictable:
This is the new phase in the media against Romney, just like clockwork.
Viennacon parses the language carefully - this is no time for knee-jerk reactions!
There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda

That’s how I want it, because you aren’t familiar with this issue. Leave abortion legislation to our experts in Congress. No need to get into the weeds on that one. Just focus of fixing the economy, we’ll handle the rest, including ending the money pipeline to Planned Parenthood.
MNJohnnie knows Obama is super abortion man!
Of course notice this same media has still not made a point about Obama adding, for the very 1st time, a Taxpayer funded abortion on demand up to birth plank to the 2012 Democrat party platform.

The only radical on Abortion in this election is 0bama, a fact very carefully covered up by the Mass Media
r0tten just concentrates on gross metaphors:
Smart man. No need to campaign on these issues to distract away from the biggest issue: This abortion of a president.

We need to get a rusty, AIDS-infected clothes hanger to pry him and his ugly wife out of the White House.
Txngal doesn't feel right:
This article feels like a distraction.
GeaugaRepublican has priorities:
I believe this is the LAST election of consequence. If we do not repeal Obamacare, another entitlement, and so much more that Obama is getting ready to unleash including all of the treaties in the offing.We are heading for the rocks. I am giving all of my time and much of my treasure to get Romney in. This is not a sporting event this is it. If Obama stays in, I do not think people have really thought through their plan B. What would happen to FR? This administration does not handle criticism well.
1010RD won't be psy-opted!
Liberal psyops in an attempt to salvage the campaign of our Abortionist-in-Chief.
BlatherNaut also knows ya gotta be pragmatic about abortion:
Why care about Romney's personal thoughts on these issues (which are ultimately between him and God), as long as political necessity forces him to take the side of the pro-life cause?

Preoccupation with Romney's past positions regarding abortion and "gay" rights while the economy is being gutted by Obama is akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. If Obamacare isn't repealed, the pro-life battle will be truly lost, not only on the abortion front, but also in regard to the sanctity of life at all stages.

When Obama complete his mission of reducing the middle class to serfdom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and Freedom of Conscience will become fading memories. In short, we'll have reached the ultimate goal of Marxism, that of a modern form of national feudalism where the citizens produce, and the government owns everything, including a permanent stranglehold monopoly on your body, your mind, and if they can manage to wipe out all your religious tendencies, your soul.
Friendofgeorge is just gonna pray, cause he knows what God thinks:
We can only pray that Romney is going to be a pro life President. Funny (not really) that Obama is so quick to say he is NOT pro life.

We KNOW that anybody that is NOT pro life, is NOT Christian, so why doesn`t Obama just cut the charade and stop saying he is Christian.

I KNOW Obama is NOT Christian, Franklin Graham knows Obama is NOT Christian and The Lord is quite certain as well that Obama is NOT Christian.


  1. "I remember when FR did not want to be identified as racist in any way. I thought it was a site dedicated to conservative principles. Now some posts look like they could have been copied from"
    by sakic

    1. LOL the response to it is 5 stars too:
      "I can’t dispute what you wrote above.

      But the changes we see here reflect changes in the real world outside — to wit, changing “racial realities” in America that can no longer be denied or swept under the rug.

      I expect things to get worse before they get better...."

      Like, It's not our fault we're being racist, they made us do it!

  2. And when Obama is re-elected, Freepers will be saying, "We never liked Romney anyway!"

  3. Gov. Christie: Obama deserves "great credit" for storm response. Lots of different responses from Freepers but a common thread is that Christie is stabbing Romney in the back to improve his own chances for 2016. My favorite comment so far is from faucetman:

    There is NEVER a reason to give this POS (Obama) credit for ANYTHING.

    Christie is an A$$. A BIG FAT A$$. Hardly presidential. He could solve his two biggest problems at the same time with duct tape, by putting it over his mouth.

    But we're early in the thread and there's room for improvement.
