Thursday, November 22, 2012

Have a very spiteful Freeper Thanksgiving

Via Anonymous, Freeper discuss what to do about liberal relatives coming over for Thanksgiving.

While some advise courtesy and love, dickery abounds.

Norm Lenhart draws a line in the sand:
You believe Obamites are the problem we face or you don’t.

You cater, coddle and make excuses to accommodate them, or you don’t.

Accommodation got us to this point. Choose accordingly.
I hope pgkdan can smell Obama voters or something:
I consider obama voters to be either idiots or traitors and I refuse to have any truck with either. They are not welcome in my house.
SMARTY hates liberal strawmen:
NO ONE who voted for ‘O’ is a nice person.

Voting for a guy who wants to pick my pocket and deny me any recourse in the law ain’t NICE!

It really IS immoral to think that someone ELSE ought to subsidize YOUR lifestyle.

Yea, as if, ‘I want a new Cadillact and maybe the dealer will send the bill to my neighbor’... duhhhhh that won’t work.

Most of my relatives are also Liberal and uneducated past HS, for what that is worth. The ‘educated’ ones are Conservative ... go figure! Ha!
Yes, education makes you conservative!

WVNan made me sad:
In my own family it’s my two liberal children who give me heartache and grief. Good thing they live far enough away to keep the peace. They literally shun me because I am a Christian conservative. I haven’t seen that son for 11 years. He does not communicate with me at all. The girl usually comes once a year around Christmas for a couple of days. It is difficult for me to keep my tongue during that time. It is so uncomfortable, I’m relieved when she goes back home.
If you guys have Freeper kids or parents, try for bemusement and not hatred. Don't be Freepers.

C. Edmund Wright posts like a million times in this thread. I figure he just sits around fuming about the libs:
Obama and his voters are my mortal enemy. They will shorten my life with Obama Care, they will reduce my ability to care for my family with their liberal policies, they are destroying my childrens’ dreams and futures. They are mortal enemies. I will not tolerate them, be polite around them, nor accomodate them in any way. Nor should anyone who understands the truth of what Obama’s election means, and everyone older than 18 should understand that.

Not in my house, period.
Quickgun's sister is SOL:
I have a sister, in fact, my only sister,that I haven’t spoken to in years because of her liberal political views. I don’t care if they are family or not, I have drawn the line, you are either with us or you are against us.
Jean S
I have elderly neighbors who I always bring food to from my garden.

They put out an Obama sign this year and I will never bring them food again.
CodeToad explains why dickery is a teaching experience:
Obama Voters are arrogant and will see the invitation as acceptance. Turn them down and let them know they did wrong and their actions are not welcome. Either their actions are not welcome or they are not. This Dr. Spock routine we all seem to be in with allowing those that hurt us to never experience any unpleasantness is what has allowed them to continue to act badly. See, there are no consequences to their actions. They will not be deprived of the invitation. They will not actually ever be shunned by anyone, not is they are never actually shunned and they need to be.
bgill is super passive agressive
I’ve severed ties with the one friend who voted for 0. I thought they had learned their lesson over the past four years but let it slip out. Last time I had a stupid “we don’t need anymore old white men for president” dingbat in my house, I printed out several anti-0 billboards and taped them around the house. He got the point and sat with his nose in his cell the entire time never saying a word and hasn’t been back since.
muleskinner conusels a potluck, but an angry one:
Tell the Obama supporters they need to bring the desert and wine. Oh yeah, no Safeway/Kroger's/Piggely-Wiggely bakery dept. pies or cheap box wine.

Share the Fiscal Cliff.
Fledermaus has a plan to conflate family with government:
Treat them the way they think. After they fill their plates and sit down, confiscate half the food and tell them you are donating it to the homeless.

If they complain, tell them they are greedy evil bastards that don’t want to pay their fair share.

Buy or rent tents for them to stay in outside the house and call it “Occupy My Lawn” and inform them if they complain they are nothing but 1% greedy evil bastards that hate the poor and want college kids to have to pay back their school loans.

Put a TAX on everything in the house they’ll use like toilet paper and ice and water, etc. Tell them you run a “progressive house”.

If they whine, call them evil Republicans.
C. Edmund Wright laments that liberals are so intolerant they force him to hate them:
I’m sorry, but I do not believe it is proper to put family ahead of country. It’s a really awful decision, but only big government - meaning liberals - can force that decison.

Small government conservaties, by defintion of what we believe, would never force anyone to choose between family and country. Only someone who thinks government should have their greedy paws into every facet of life forces that decision.


  1. "They will not actually ever be shunned by anyone, not is they are never actually shunned and they need to be."

    The real question is, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  2. "Small government conservaties, by defintion of what we believe, would never force anyone to choose between family and country. Only someone who thinks government should have their greedy paws into every facet of life forces that decision."

    Like evangelicals who want to ban abortion, gay marriage, and sex education?

    1. You are forgetting that those three things shouldn't even be a facet in anybody's life.

  3. I wonder if any Freepers ever consider the reason that their children/siblings "shun" them might be because the Freepers are so over-the-top offensive and antagonistic with their politics that they make it impossible for their family to deal with them.

    I guess not. Introspection isn't their strong suit. Like the guy featured on this blog that wrote his liberal friend on Facebook that his "inauguration gift" to Obama would be two tickets to a play or a vacation in Dallas and a ride in a convertible. If I read that, I'd say "potential violent freak. Defriend immediately". Wonder if the Secret Service got called on him.

  4. "I’m sorry, but I do not believe it is proper to put family ahead of country."

    I wonder if C. Edmund Wright realizes how much he sounds like the Freeper strawman version of a liberal Democrat.

    1. Hmm, what early 20th century government had family members informing on each other? I wonder if he knows how much he sounds like that, too?
