Monday, November 19, 2012

Is a college degree worth the cost?

Freepers take on higher education. Their anti-intellectualism wars with their personally having gone to college, and the result is racism and envy:

HANG THE EXPENSE knows there are many better investments:
Take the money you were going to PISS away at any of the colleges and put it in account earning whatever measly interest you can get.The return will still be much greater than the benefit of any college degree.There will be no jobs for the foreseeable future.
kearnyirish2 knows what to blame his failures on - reverse racism!
Young white males aren’t even offered the jobs at the bottom of the ladder; those that can get them have little chance of advancing (regardless of the quality & quantity of their work). Instead, an affirmative action token (ethnic minority or female) with vaguely-defined responsibilities (and even more vague job skills) will be their supervisor and be credited for their work...
kearnyirish2 also blames the Asians:
Change to Finance.

I understand what you’re saying, but the financial industry is also being handed to Asians. The external audit firm I work with sends foreigners to do auditing & consulting work that many Americans are qualified to do; besides 2 American females, they sent a Filipino, and Indian, and a Canadian. None of the foreigners were CPAs, and they didn’t cost much less than Americans - but they can be forced to work 80 hours per week.
Stupid immigrants, getting jobs 'cause they work harder!!

LibsRJerks complains about how her family only makes $150,000 a year:
Hubby and I both have degrees, he has 2 masters and I am working on mine.

We still, however, can’t seem to break above the mid 100K’s. It takes owning your own business, I feel, to really make decent money — or to be politically connected somehow, or to be in the hard sciences — engineering, medical, etc.
That's a pretty weak complaint, and an odd conclusion...then later in her comment, all becomes clear:
I enjoyed college for the time it allowed me to mature and grow intellectually ... but I’m not sure those who didn’t go aren’t doing as well as we are. My husband’s sister, who was always the biggest GOOF in college, dropped out even once or twice, now owns a carpet laying biz with her equally goofy husband, and they live in a palace compared to us. They are the business owners ... of course, they could go belly up in this economy and be moving in with us at some point ...
angcat hates college because Obama.
It's not worth it but I would never tell that to my child she is going to college next fall.

Why should she be short changed in life.

My husband has to put his hand over my mouth about all this because she want’s to be a Dr. What is the future of this profession under Obamacare. It's awful.

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