Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Against the Morning-After Pill

Freepers are sure the Morning-After Pill is bad, as it feels kinda like abortion to them. SO they go into overdrive inventing reasons why it is awful:

nothing will hold back Windflier's underage daughter's sluttiness now!
As if it isn’t already hard enough to keep a fifteen year old girl child on the straight and narrow path her parents have raised her on.

As soon as this stuff goes on sale, all the teenage girls will be sharing them like candy. Grrrr....
SECURE AMERICA knows all about pimping:
So pimps will be lining up to buy pills to force feed the young girls the push on the streets. Way to go America.
boop realizes you shouldn't let 15-year-olds buy anything at all!
From a medical standpoint, just how safe is the morning after pill?

I'm a doctor, and I know that NO drug is without side effects, some deadly.

Here they've randomly chosen 15 years old as the cut off for making an "informed" decision.

But I'd never sell a 15 year old 10 boxes of Nyquil. Or even a bottle of cooking sherry.

Even though I guess it's "legal" for them to buy.
mardi59 is overwhelmed and prays for the end of the world:
Little by little (thanks to liberals) this country is slipping away and not a word from scumbag republicans. No depraved act is to much for the liberals. Many obama voters will go for this. Don’t teach your children morality, just give them a pill. Remember, obama said his daughters shouldn’t have to suffer from an accident.

It seems like the Second Coming is right around the corner. Lord, PLEASE come soon!
Jim Robinson wants a rollback to 1920:
Unconstitutional federal agencies that serve no purpose other than advocating even bigger government and socialist politics like the FDA, the EPA, education dept, labor dept, energy dept, commerce dept, USDA, HUD, and hundreds of federal welfare programs etc, etc, etc, should be defunded, disbanded, dissolved and permanently shuttered.
Who hates the USDA?

Ray76 explains the plot to make sex fun, and thus keep the population down:
The anti-human death cultists are in power. All this promotion of promiscuity (tv movies), homosexuality, abortion, abortifacients, etc, is all about population control.
traditional1 is amazing:
Having engaged in good-time sex, willingly, is not an "accident" by any stretch of the imagination.....WHATSOEVER.

Encouraging un-married women to engage in Flukeing for the fun of it, with no responsiblity whatsoever for the outcome, is what is taught in Liberal-run schools today. We wonder what makes kids go over the edge, shooting their classmates, etc., when we teach them that it's ALWAYS someone else's fault for mis-behavior/deviance, and they are ALWAYS just "victims".

Until America realizes that we HAD a Christian, self-resptecting, dignified, moral NUCLEAR FAMILY with Breadwinner+child-rearer WHICH RESULTED IN PROSPERITY AND PRIDE THAT WAS THE ENVY OF THE WORLD, because Americans had VALUES and self-reliance, not parasitic dependency on the backs of others, we will go further into the Abyss.

EVERY pregnancy, whether terminated by abortion or brought to birth, should REQUIRE DNA-testing for determination of the paternal father, who will bear the responsibility for ALL costs associated with the pregnancy, period. No more reliance on Welfare, EBT's, WIC, Food Stamps, etc., when un-limited fatherless children and un-limited abortions are billed to Taxpayers, while the parasites "let the good times roll!"
Begins with piling on Sandra Fluke, ends with a plan for some kind of sex police state.

XenaLee worries about China's drug manufacturers making the sterilization permanent!
If China is indeed allowed to ‘provide’ the morning after pill to Americans with the full sanction by Obama and the Democrat leftists in power, what are they aiming for here? Mass sterilization? I can’t think of a better way for one of America’s enemies to ‘bring us down’ than that. Of course....we probably wouldn’t know the pills caused sterilization until it was way too late.
Fester Chugabrew has a plan:
Maybe we could all chip in and buy so many the market will not be available to little girls who want to kill their offspring. Be like “Big Cyst” and hog the market. Imagine of we had a network of pharmacists and consumers who purchased the product and destroyed it faster than it could be manufactured. At the same time seek out the manufacturers and do everything in our power legally to thwart production.

“Sorry, little girl. We’re sold out.”

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the "Institute for Creation Research" would misrepresent the hypothesis of a Stanford Professor. It's almost like they are deliberately lying to try and prove a point.

    But the freepers take the Creation Research to yet another level...

    Here's a link to the original essays, it's kinda interesting but mostly just scientific flexing. It would need a lot more research:
