Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Benghazi: Prologue to Impeachment

Freepers are unsatisfied with the AP story or the IRS scandal. After months of propaganda, speculation, and hope, they just love Benghazi too much! All others are just distractions.

Diogenesis channels Holder:
"Any trial shall be by his PEERS.
NOT the Senate. ONLY terrorists will get to vote.
Hasan will be the final Judge, you stupid Cracker."
Jet Jaguar is satisfied that impeachment totally destroyed Clinton's legacy, just as it did Johnson before him:
Clinton was impeached. The Senate did not convict.

Clinton has that fact historically recorded.

Obama may get the same.
Dr. Bogus Pachysandra predicts another Benghazi shoe:
This is not going to end well as he stokes the muslim mid east.

Just wait until airliners start getting blasted out of the sky by all the “missing” manpads!
wayoverontheright is also eagerly waiting on the next terrorist attack:
More attacks will surely come.

I think it’s the combination of all these attacks that has precipitated a thought process culminating in an instinctive conclusion that this administraton’s policies are causing them.

Instinct also tells us that our response should have a retaliatory and punitive flavor. Won’t happen with Obama as president.

It’s not a pocketbook issue, it’s a security issue, an existential issue, and this is why I believe the people are beginning to turn. I won’t predict that Obama will be impeached over what has transpired thus far. But I do predict impeachment over what is to befall us very soon, because there will be more American deaths at the hand of the jihad before the year is out.

His cowardice has sent them an invitation to strike us, again and again.
Spartan302 sees even the most unhinged mudslinging as helpful in at last uncovering the birth certificate:
How do you eat an elephant?

One piece at a time.

If nothing else continuous pressure about Benghazi will probably make Obama too centered on a defense thus lowering his shields for a flank attack, such as his falsified past.
Forward the Light Brigade lays out how Obama is totally going down:
Obama is in a descending sprial—he will not finish his term—it will be this or something else. His corruption is, I believe so bad, that its going to come out in spades. I believe that the Obama White House will do anything to change the subject—Even Wag the Dog strikes on some 3rd world nation, propping it up as an attack on America. He will try to tar the whole thing as a Right Wing Fox News Plot-—a Kotch Brothers/Libertarian affair. Obama will go on Vacation! Maybe to Europe where they love him. It might be that the Joint Chiefs will need to yank him out of the White House with tanks.


  1. The far-right conservative wing of the political spectrum suffers from the same problems as far-left liberal wings did in the past ...
    they've crossed the "kook" threshold.

    By trying to out-do their own compatriots in terms of political purity and righteousness, they reach a point of ridiculousness where the greater majority of citizens (the much maligned "moderates") tune them out.

    Freepers have crossed the kook threshold long ago, led by their "purest-of-the-pure" JimRob himself.

    1. Except the kook wing has gone mainstream in the Republican party in a way it never did with the Democrats. There are actual elected Republicans who are birthers, while 9/11 truthers were run out of the Democratic party.

      It's funny, the Republicans might have had some traction on this IRS scandal if they hadn't been calling every one of Obama's golf outings a "scandal".

    2. Well, there have been more than a few kooky democrats elected to congress.

      To the Republican Party leadership's credit, they are trying to maneuver against the Gohmerts and Bachmanns in their midst ... but you are correct in that Republican kooks are enjoying more mainstream support than the Democrat kooks ever did.

      What will derail the IRS "scandal" faster than anything else, is everybody and their brother on the right jumping on the bandwagon and saying "We're a victim too !!!!"
      They're coming out of the woodwork trying to get a little attention.

  2. "His corruption is, I believe so bad, that its going to come out in spades. I believe that the Obama White House will do anything to change the subject—Even Wag the Dog strikes on some 3rd world nation, propping it up as an attack on America."

    This is my favorite conspiracy. Obama will FAKE an attack on America in order to start a war - distracting from the ACTUAL attack on a US embassy.
