Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Obama Who Stole Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Things have been going rather well for the GOP lately, what with the Obamacare rollout an associated poll numbers. This will pass, but nothing makes Freepers angrier than the idea of potential success. So Freepers are thankful for term limits, and freedom of speech (for now).

And for the Obama administration's mentioning of ways to discuss Obamacare on the holidays. Giving Freepers something beyond the usual anodyne Thanksgiving statement to hang Obama hating on something they're pretty excited about.

Bushbacker1 thinks Obama has doomed some freedom fighters to shoot their Communist family members:
Something tells me we're going to be reading about a lot of domestic arguments and, worse yet, family shootings!

Happy Thanksgiving!
loveliberty2 - Thanksgiving is for talking about speculative strangers with cancer!
There should be a massive publicity campaign regarding the thousands and thousands of individual cases of Stage IV Cancer patients who, in their daily attempt to be positive, focused, and courageous in battling their disease, now have felt the heavy-handed knock-out punch in the stomach dealt to them by each Democrat who, in mass, in 2010, derided and voted AGAINST the Republican bill which anticipated and would have prevented the policy cancellations which now have spoiled those patients' Thanksgiving and Christmas Season joys with family and friends!
lilypad is planning on giving folks spite for Christmas!
My discussion will be like this... Sorry folks no presents for Christmas this year, my first premium is due December 23 and it’s 300.00 more tha it was. We have been Scrooged.
I suspect Freepers prefer contemplation and then the virtuous sacrifice of deciding not to be an asshole to actually doing this.

ExTexasRedhead knows the Nazis talked all about Thanksgiving.
I think Hitler and Goebbels live. Never Again? Think Again.


  1. And here the annual complaint thread about the Macy's Parade ...
    UGH!!!! -- Macy's Day Parade Promotes Gay Musical "Kinky Boots"

    1. "Wife of euphgeek" is a racist, a thief and a liar who steals people's usernames when he loses arguments to them.

    2. I turned the parade on halfway through that number. Now, I consider myself fairly liberal but even I was like WTF?

    3. "Son of Euphgeek" is a racist, a thief and a liar who steals people's usernames when he loses arguments to them.

    4. Oh no, a child saw a man dressed as a woman! The horror!

  2. There's a massive thread about Rush criticizing the Pope which brings out Catholics and anti-Catholics along with some surprising criticisms of Rush such as this from chessplayer:

    Limbaugh wants UNFETTERED capitalism? The kind that has turned China into a gigantic sewer of poisoned lakes and rivers and where people have to walk around with face masks and eye protection because the air is so poisoned and filthy? Where people have to eat food (animal and plant) that is poisoned with God only knows how many chemicals? No thanks.

    I wonder how much longer he'll last on FR....

    1. They love that circular firing squad thingy

    2. Rush really poked a hornets' nest with that rant, he's getting a lot of blowback from the right.

      Conservative-on-conservative back biting is fun!

  3. Oh I know ... that euphie is quite a pill.

  4. Supposedly $120 left to go on JimRob's save-face-a-thon.

    As usual, his leg-beg failed to shake out enough dimes from the rubes so he's once again forced to fake it to a finish before the third month.

    1. "the sky is falling commies are taking over, the End Times© are nigh, the republic is on life support, Send Money or it'll all fall down !
      Dr. Rev Bishop JimRobathon

    2. I have a question: Is Jim Robinson in any way related to the guy who used to suck up valuable air on The Nation comments for most of the decade, whose "real" name was Pastor Larry Robinson of California? The guy who said he was going to sell everything he owns and go full-time RVer to avoid "The Government"? That guy? Or is the Robinson name just an inherited mental illness/grievance?

  5. Then why don't you stop stealing my username? I'll stop if you do.

  6. I like this username.
    You change yours.

  7. You only like it because you want to annoy me and because you're a sore loser. Do you really think this will make you retroactively win our argument? That's typical RWNJ/Freeper thinking.

  8. I care. I have a decade plus long posting history under this username. It's very unique, so if you do a Google search for it, it'll be guaranteed to be something I posted. I'm just protecting what's mine.

  9. "I'm just protecting what's mine."

    Now you know what's like to work hard and be robbed by the gov't via high taxes to pay lazy welfare doesn't it?

  10. Not really. The money doesn't have my picture or name on it. The only reason it has value is because of the government. I'm happy to give a portion of what I earn for the betterment of society.

  11. "euphgeekNovember 29, 2013 at 7:27 AM

    I care. I have a decade plus long posting history under this username. It's very unique, so if you do a Google search for it, it'll be guaranteed to be something I posted. I'm just protecting what's mine."

    Fair enough. Just - every single time? Before this crap started, we'd have good and often funny or interesting discussions in the comments on some of the posts.
    Now - not so much.

  12. I try to only do it once per page, unless he also posts as "son of..." or something like that. People who post here regularly know that he's not really me and that I don't endorse his views. But if someone came in from a Google search and is not familiar with the whole thing, they wouldn't know what you know.

  13. wife/son/whatever of euphgeek - I'm asking this just as another random internet denizen who really enjoys this blog: Please stop. You've had your fun and made your point. Just go back to posting as anonymous or whatever you were before.
