Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Do Gay Men Have an Advantage Over Straight Men?

A bit busy through Wednesday this week. Thus something from the buffer. This is via Anonymous.

As Freepers think homosexuals are everywhere and homosexuality is in everything, they need to reach to far off crazy places to understand how this can be the case:

rarestia explains how gays get into women's jobs like teaching, and thus crowd him out:
I’ve found that it depends on the industry. In a male-dominated industry with logical components such as IT, I find that manly men are seen as more intelligent, stable, and capable in their field.

In industries such as education, effeminate men have an advantage. The women who interview them relate to them on a different level than a gruff and tumbled man. I interviewed for jobs as an educator, but as a 6’2”, 350 lb. with a shaved head and goatee, I was generally seen as intimidating and hard than for the soft-hearted person I am. In general, women want to work with men they can manipulate (my wife has stated this on numerous occasions). Male managers, on the other hand, want a guy who can take the ball and run with it with little need for drama or education.
Iron Munro thinks it's because of the secret buttsex black market:
Do Gay Men Have a Genetic Advantage Over Straight Men in Building Successful Careers?

Especially when the boss is a pillow biting twinky too.
expat2 has some anecdotal sample bias all ready to go:
The real reason is that, as a small minority, they form a kind of secret-society whose members help each other, and hire other members where possible.

Many small minorities operate in this manner, including Jews in goy countries, Catholics in predominantly Protestant countries, and Freemasons in many societies.
cripplecreek on the gay grade inflation:
My niece told me about a phenomenon in college that she called “LUGs” (Lesbian Until Graduation)

The LUGs quickly found that being a lesbian carried a lot of advantages among professors who saw them as “brave” and tended to grade more easily. Housing was easier for them because no one wanted to risk being labeled homophobic or worse.
TArcher knows it's gay's inherent dishonesty:
How did they end up having so much power, that they are able to impose their will on 98 percent of the population in America and other Western nations?

They LIE.
null and void explains that gay people are all Bond villains:
1. Fewer days lost due to sick children.
2. Well developed acting skills (also why so many in Hollywood) as they learned to hide by acting normal from an early age on.
3. Higher levels of sociopaths in positions of power, both because they tend to enjoy manipulating others and because they tend to make business decisions based on, well, business, rather than emotional connections to employees and customers.
GenXteacher knows it's some sort of decades long plot via the media:
Firstly, they exercise a huge amount of control over the television and movie industries. This enables them to put forth propaganda to the masses, and they have done so with increasing tempo since roughly about the late 1980s.

Secondly, they have a lot of support and presence in higher academia. This second one gives them access to the classes that hold power in America- the people who go on to become lawyers, politicians, bankers, and the like.

This basically facilitates a class of enablers- people sympathetic to the homo agenda or who are not inclined to stand in its way- who go on to hold positions of power and influence in government and commerce. That means they get sympathetic judges, politicians, and government bureaucrats, and access to power over policy and laws. Thus, they are able to silence criticism, and eventually, if they wish, attempt to ride roughshod over any legal opposition.
a fool in paradise blames all the secret gays:
The Lavender Mafia trade sexual favors for power and privilege. And then there is always the blackmail potential.
longtermmemmory thinks it's the hive mentality:
They are expendable drones with no family ties. Mere hedonists who work for their bread and circuses.


  1. The moobs of euphgeekDecember 10, 2013 at 12:20 PM

    So raresita didn't get a teaching job, being 6'2, 350 lbs, and a shaved head and goatee.

    I'm sure the swastika tattooed on his forehead didn't help either.

    In reality, raresita very well could have suffered some appearance based prejudice ... but being straight and white wasn't part of that.

    Hey, the conservatives love to say that being gay is a choice and that anyone can be straight if they want ...
    Maybe raresita could CHOOSE to lose some weight and CHOOSE not to look like a stereotypical child molester when going for a teaching job.

    1. "The moobs of euphgeek" is a racist troll whose vanity and ego are incredibly out of control and is butthurt because it lost an argument. It refuses to repent for its poor behavior because of its own foolish pride.

    2. euphgeeks bastard childDecember 10, 2013 at 12:46 PM

      Dad, give it up

  2. lol at moobs of euphgeek

  3. No one is stopping these noble breeders from pursuing careers in law, politics, the arts, or from doing a lot of networking to get ahead, except themselves. I guess the only secret clubs they approve of are ones that they dominate.

  4. Wot, no manc on that thread? I is shocked.
