Friday, January 24, 2014

Spotlight Friday: envisio

His profile is a bunch of auto repair patches and some long Al Bundy quotes. He's mostly worried about masculinity. It's apparently really easy to lose. Also he can't stop seeing gayness everywhere

Poor people deserve it:
I always believed the old saying: If you take all the money away from the rich and destribute it to the poor... in 6 months the rich will have it right back.
Complaining about your daughter-in-law means you're not a man:
I hear this utter garbage in my office weekly

“She doesn’t respect my role as father”

She disrespected me

I don’t have a clue what it even means except that he didn’t get his way

I am guessing this man you speak of has testicles? Or have they been lost to his whiney emasculation?
Watching some anti-gun movie means you're not a man:
Well, to be honest... anyone who is a member of NRA will not watch this liberal garbage. And they will not be ‘scared’ if they do.

On the other hand... the femminized fag men that are interested in this garbage scare pretty easily.
He misses the days he'd bang ugly women like Michelle Obama:
Miserable? I’d take that Saquatch to the house at 3am and be smiling like a mule eating briars.

Of course, my buddies would be telling me to stop... then giving me hell for it the next day while I scrub myself with bleach. But it was fun.

Dang that was a long time ago.......
The biggest danger to cops is bystanders:
Cops here deal with an entirely different type of people. They HAVE to be aggresive... even with bystanders. Bystanders here would cause more trouble than the perp if left uncontrolled.
Obama secretly loves Muslim killings, like all Muslims secretly do:
He is doing what every other typical “moderate muslim” does.

They will publicly denounce this behavior. This is how they make sure that no muslims are ‘profiled’ and this is how they make sure no guilty white people start offending them. They insure everyone is afraid to be politically incorrect, giving their brothers the freedom to continue to kill and mame.

Then privately they cheer them on when nobody is watching.
His garage is full of ammo and freedom:
My garage is endless amount of tools and power equipment but half is dedicated to my RELOAD BENCH. A no way hell no huhhuh no way am I moving my reload bench for nobody nohow.

But I live in rural NC farmland so no liberal idiots and their upwardly mobile ideas will ever make their way here. We are still free Americans.
The problem with Hospitals is all the nonwhites:
A hospital with no Obama voters mooching and having no intention of even looking at a bill... where the waiting room does not look like a Hernadez family reunion... sounds good to me.
more on manliness:
Its actually very simple.

XY or XX

You either have a Y chromosome or you don’t.

If you do have a Y chromosome; take off those jammies, put down the latte, stop color-coordinating your drapes to your doillies, pick up a tool and fix something like a man.
Heterosexuals normals never talk about their 'partner'
I didnt notice they were gay.

I deduced that from the very first sentence.

“ partner and I...”

Normal people don’t talk like that.
What gay people do:
Husband and Husband.

Two grown men licking each others fecal matter. (sorry for the visual) And they speak of it like its totally normal... and the media and showbusiness celebrates it like its wonderful. Two grown men... going there... oh its so heart warming... SPIT PUKE!
Obama voters:
Hussein’s voters are ones that have never voted in their life, have NO IDEA what either candidate’s polocies are, have NO IDEA what problems America is facing but slapped an Obamam sticker on their ride and showed up to support “the brother” because JayZ told them to.
San SanFagsisco:
My question is; why would anyone choose to live in this Godforsaken hellhole?

Aside from smelly “artists”, butt pirates, stoned smelly hippies, upwardly-mobile hipsters, gay transtesticle non-gender-specific psycologically screwed freaks, that is.

SanFagsisco could burn while all the ashes fall into the bay and all the infinite numbers divided by zero would be the amount of f***s I would give.


  1. I'd gently remind envisio of one thing.

    If you want hyper-masculine macho dudes, your best bet is the nearest leather bar. You'll find a few there.

    A real man, on the other hand, doesn't care in the slightest. If your sexual identity can be shaken by the very idea of homosexuals existing - it's built on a foundation of sand.

  2. From what I can gather he's against being upwardly mobile? He doesn't believe in improving your lot in life? That sounds mighty communist to me.

  3. Oh dear, someone at FR stumbled on a review of a film at Sundance called "Dear White People" and it is bringing out the Stormfront side of FR. (And I realize I am being generous these days by just calling it a "side")

  4. Well said, EC. Don't always agree with you, but you nailed it this time. I'm not convinced that there's such a thing as a "real man," but to the extent that the historical construct exists, I think it includes being secure enough not to care what some goon like envisio thinks about your curtains.

    This weird FReeper logic that we're all gonna turn gay unless we're constantly stroking our "tools" never ceases to amaze me. I don't think there's anything wrong with having sex with men. But unfortunately, I don't feel attracted to them. As a result, pretty much the only time I ever think about gay sex is when right-wingers are obsessively describing it. Show me a loudmouthed homophobe with an overactive imagination about what "fags" do, and I'll show you a guy who probably has at least one late-night trip to a truck-stop glory hole in his future.

    1. Cheers!

      If we agreed all the time, it'd be boring as hell!

      I just don't get it. I like women. My friend likes men. His preference doesn't change mine. My preference doesn't change his. Hell, they don't even intersect! (Well, mostly, there are a couple people we could probably trade off with)

      So really, what gives? Are there really straight guys out there who have not at least considered anal with their wife once in a while? Or is their horror because their particular partner is a fan of Immaculate Evacuation, leaving only a faint scent of rose petals.

      Are there really people out there who have such a horror of sharing a bed with the same sex that it revolts them? Fine - you guys can do night duty and let the rest of us poor sods sleep in peace.

      Homosexuality is nothing to do with sex. At least not the people I know and am proud and privileged to call friends and colleagues. It's about love. Full stop.

      I will call you on one thing though :) You made a typo, last word. Pretty sure "future" should be "past."

    2. I'm 100% straight but I love anally penetrating women

  5. Said with a seemingly straight face on the "Dear White People" thread: "Dear black people and all other people who get offended easily: being offended is a sign of weakness. You can stop being weak now."

    Jesus. These people have less self-awareness than a bottle of mucilage.

  6. Don't expect you to read it, but this is for anyone reading this who may be on the fence about the issue:

    There's a lot of words, and sciencing, and numbers, so it might scare you. But this is what's important:

    "When poverty is measured as a linear spatially based phenomenon, it is a more important determinant of race-specific homicide rates than overall city levels of disadvantage and that the concentration of poverty increases both black and white homicide rather equally."

  7. anon1, you live in a very poor RURAL area. Rural. Not urban. Do you know what the word "concentration" means? Go look it up, we'll wait.

  8. Your operative word is rural.

    I've lived both. Poor as shit in the country and poor as shit in a single room with shared toilet facilities in the city.
    The city was way more stressing. Knowing that the asshole who woke you for the 30th night in a row, scared your kids into crying fits and is busy whaling on his wife is two bits of sheet rock and some flimsy wood away makes violence a much more tempting prospect than having to get up, dressed and travel a mile or so to get the guy next door.

    Might want to consider that.

    The bastardy rate is a different kettle of fish.

  9. For God's sake, don't talk anon1 out of spouting that racist crap! That kind of creepy talk is driving folks in droves to vote for the Democrats. Nobody wants to be associated with those old, white racists.

    anon, don't you listen to reason, don't even think the word "science." You just go right ahead and talk that racist talk to anyone who will listen. Thank you.

  10. @Anon 3:34

    There is plenty of time for me to vote Democrat - I'll be dead a lot longer than I'll be alive :P

  11. envisio ... married or unmarried?
    My guess is unmarried.

  12. It's amazing how predictably stupid freepers can be. Well, freepers and other right wing nuts.

    The Affordable Care Act mandates that everyone has health insurance. Smart, responsible adults have health insurance. However, once health insurance is "forced" on folks, all of a sudden conservatives urge everyone to avoid it and they are going to not have insurance themselves. How stupid is that???

    And now there's a thread at Freeperstan about Michelle Obama teaming up with Subway for Subway to offer more nutritious options to children. Well, how DARE Michelle tell them how their children should eat!!! And Subway is evil for forcing vegetables on their children. Normal, responsible adults would welcome these changes. But not if they're backed by the Evil White House Usurper and his Wife.


    1. We should tell them that breathing is good, so they'll all suffocate.

  13. Do you hate blacks because one of them is engaged to your crush?

  14. Ozy, I posted stats from the Omaha Times, the CDC and the Justice Dept , NYC police commish.. among other sources..what more do you want? They don't agree with your liberal mindset so you ignore them

    Too bad...must suck to be stupid.

  15. You can use statistics to prove just about anything. 80% of people know that.

    must suck to be stupid.

    You would know better than anyone.

  16. You are beyond stupid to disregard the CDC and Justice Dept stats..more like so bound by liberal ideology you shove your head further in the sand.

    Blacks are not gonna change until they accept they are their own worst enemy..via their culture and the race pimps within aka Al and Jesse.

  17. I'm not ignoring them, they just don't prove what you think they prove. As I said, you can use statistics to "prove" just about anything.

  18. anon1: Hey, look at these studies - apples are round, so they're totally oranges!

    Ozy: erm, not all round things are oranges.

    anon1: no, see - look at these other sources that show apples are round! Totally oranges, why are you in denial about SCIENCE?

    Ozy: one thinks they're not round, dude. But apples are a different fruit. No rind, for instance.

    anon1: It's sad how wrong you are. I had a banana once - not round, AND not an orange. Your apple BS is therefore just wishful thinking!

    Ozy: welp, enjoy your oranges then! Whatever keeps you smug and happy, I guess.
