Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ten Million Man March

There is an interesting undercurrent of on Free Republic these days. Whether their soul lies in idealism or pragmatism. Alas, most Freepers' souls are far to crazy to allow any debate at all. Thus, we have mutual accusations of liberalism followed by long, rambling posts that say nothing.

I find it all pretty interesting.

Here, Freepers contemplate going on a march with some other fringy group that wants to indict Congress or something. The efficacy of marches is an interesting political question - on which Freepers are wholly ill-equipped to address.

laplata is too sovereign for anything like solidarity:
I’d be happy to meet FReepers there but I don’t need permission from anyone to go.
Steve Newton, who suggested the whole thing, is properly subservient.
Yes indeed. I need Laz and Jim. Let me know guys.
RC one's paranoia runs deep:
I wonder if Obummer would drone strike such an assembly? I know he would love to. Pretty sure he would love a national emergency kind of event that could keep him in that office indefinitely too. I will be shocked if he walks away.
sauropod relives the glory days:
Great idea, but sorry to rain on your parade. We did the same thing back in 1998 as a Free Republic sponsored event and had all of maybe 4000 show up to impeach Bill Clinton. Some say we were influential for his impeachment, as the coordinator of the event, I believe not so much.

I disagree with you here ANV. While it is true that there were only 4000 that showed up, there was a follow-on event in early December which was the time of the impeachment proceedings on Capitol Hill. There were some linguine spined congresscritters that were beginning to waffle. 500 of us gathered on the Capital steps that day to do a backbone transplant.

It worked.
Thing is, it might have. From what I hear, the sudden re-emergence of the crazy right was nontrivial in the GOP's push.

A Navy Vet thinks the key is to start yelling about Communism.
With all the upmost due respect, I believe rallies/protests are no longer the way back to our Constitutional principles. They are ignored every day, unless you get something as large as the TEA Party rally that I believed changed the House. But then that was backed by a big name.

Get Glen Beck or Rush or Hannity to back a rally, then I'm on board. But Rush and Hannity refuse to get involved and only talk the talk on their shows. They're all hat and no cattle as Texans say. Stopped listening to them years ago because of lack of cajones. You and the crew in DC have more testicles in one fingernail than either Rush or Hannity has shown throughout their years in the media.

So what's the answer? For now we need money to promote our principles and message on TV, forget radio. What is our message?

To start: make the points of how USA capitalism has benefited the entire world (point by point - spell it out); we fought for our and others' freedoms (historically we're the good guys); socialism and communism has Never Ever worked and always devolved into oppression (give examples); self-responsibility is about being an honorable man or woman who accept their own future and fate for better or worse; racism is dead except for those who make money off it; Utopia is an unattainable dream since there will always be unfairness as long as bad people exist.
DeaconRed is mad as hell, but kinda lazy...
I agree we need to march, DC is not practical for anyone who lives pretty far away.

No where to stay, no reasonable place and the unreasonable places are few. I can't afford to go.

I am sure I am not alone. Sending email and snail mail is fruitless.

Hopefully the November voting will do the trick.
SeminoleCounty is focused on the GOP civil war....excellent.
The idea is good...although all energy first should be directed at the GOP-E.

We will never remove liberals and liberal policies until the GOP is cleaned out first. To think that there is any difference in the main parties is foolish

A better move would be to go after the money boys of the Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and others who9 support ObamaCare, Illegal Alien Amnesty, Government subsidy of business, and others. Boycott businesses who are members of not vote for candidates who receive bribes from them. In short time you have a lot of folks on the run.

Doing this while doing a Ten Million Man March would be very productive.
UPDATE: Lazamataz gets on board in a much longer thread, but then Jim Robinson chooses a less expensive option:
Jim Robinson, on another thread: No date has been set. But I’m beginning to think this should not be a single event. It should be a movement. It needs to be many events in many places. We need to put the tea party on steroids. A movement of citizens throughout the USA to restore the constitutional limits on government and reclaim our God-given Liberty!!

My response:


That was brilliant. Pure brilliance. Why am I and usconservative and other organizers thinking only of DC? Why not in EVERY city???

That was a masterstroke.
Followed by:
See the message below. Anyone who says Jim isn’t freakin smart gets my contempt. He’s got a knack and feel for this sort of stuff.
Diffuse protests are always effective!

Laz enthusiastically endorses continuing to shake fists at clouds:
Absolutely agreed. Not a march — a MOVEMENT.
They're still talking about the DC thing, but now I guess it'll be he usual 12 Freepers.
Sad. I have a Palin shirt and everything.


  1. I'm actually happy to see Lazamataz taking the lead on this.
    Besides being one of JimRob's biggest ass kissers, he is, by his own admission, mentally unbalanced and prone to overindulge in drugs and alcohol.

    Meaning, this whole thing will fizzle out before any of the more naive freepers lose any more money to the JimRob grift machine.

    1. Let me tell you a small story about Lazamataz.

      I used to be a freeper. Also an alcoholic (dry now for a few years). One day I posted something over there and within minutes I got a freepmail. "You OK? Here if you need to talk."
      Yep - he can be harsh. Can be a little bit of a dick at times, especially with the long running "hit it" joke. That isn't his whole story.

    2. Congrats on staying dry, and thanks for the incite

    3. Fair is fair, right?

      He's self admittedly done the rounds on the abuse front, saw something in the post and reached out. I am grateful. Always will be.
