Friday, September 26, 2014

Spotlight Friday: wagglebee

Some Freepers with a cause are difficult to pin down, because they spend most of their time posting articles, rather than comments, as well as ping lists. These people can be very influential in the Freeper community.

Wagglebee is one of those. Her cause is being against abortion and euthanasia. And I'd estimate she's responsible for about 90% of the articles posted about both of those issues. And she curates the "Homosexual Agenda and Moral Absolutes Ping list," as well as "Terri's List" from way back in the Schiavo days. Beyond posting and pinging, she keeps an eye out for Freeper heretics, and if she suspects you are imure, she will hound you and hound you and ping the mods until you are zotted. She takes Free Republic's purity very seriously. She took a break of about 2 years (I suspect behind the scenes drama, but who knows), it looks like but is back as of May and going strong!

Despite all her efforts, it is pretty rare for her posts to break double digits. As they move more into hating on blacks and liberals, I wonder how big these issues would be on Free Republic would be were it not for her.

And gay marriage? Hardly on her radar these days.
Triumphant return!
I was never zotted, I just took a break.
And while she was gone, Free Republic got super pro-choice!
Wags, a lot has gone on here in the year and a half that you were off.

Did you ever thing you would see so many pro-abort comments? Here at FR of all places?

Times have changed.

Yeah, I've got my work cut out for me.
Free Republic is not a place for free thinking:
It would appear the tolerance on this post is reserved for one sided thinking only, all others are unwelcome. Sounds like liberal thinking.

Free Republic is a PRO-LIFE forum, so it actually IS reserved for one-sided thinking.

As far as liberal thinking, it is liberals who have the crazy notion that free speech extends to private property.
libertarians gotta go:
The libertarians on here are every bit as bad as the admitted leftists who join knowing they will be zotted.

I'm going to keep an eye on this troll, my hunch is that he will be pushing for sodomites to be able to "marry" each other in the not too distant future.
Are you now, or have you ever been for gay rights?
That's all well and good, but it doesn't actually anwer my question. Let's try this again:

Are you saying that support for homosexual marriage among many in the Tea Party is a positive development? (You can answer this with a yes or a no.)
That's her zealous bolding, BTW.

Luckily, she has the righteousness it takes:
And no, abortionists are not “imagined” to be “anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-family,” they are in fact such. They’re “anti-women” inasmuch as abortion consists in the most abominable assault on a woman’s motherhood and natural design to be a nurturer of new life. Abortionists are “anti-child” inasmuch as they brutally end the lives of countless pre-born children through abortion. They’re also “anti-family” in as much as they destroy family members through the same procedure.

Exactly! They are MURDERERS and any attempt to justify what they do is an affront to God and man.
Taking a Freeper who wants to abort liberals to task:
What would the world be like if Hitler’s mother had aborted him?

It would have meant that England and the United States would have had to fight a much stronger Stalin. We can play "what if" all day long, but it doesn't change anything, it's like saying, "What if Abraham Lincoln's mother had aborted him, would we still have slavery?"

Most of the mothers having abortions are monsters and their children probably would be monsters as well. Look at the murder and mayhem in the inner cities. More abortions by liberal monsters would result in less death and destruction.

Odd, in one sentence you wonder about a world without Hitler, in the next you sound just like him.

You are over-simplifying an incredibly complex issue.

No, it's an incredibly simple issue: MURDER IS WRONG.

Many of the babies you want to save will grow up to be communists and cold-blooded killers.

And many more won't.

I am not so arrogant that I pretend to know what is or is not God’s will.

Sounds A LOT like, "It's above my paygrade."

I can only try and live my life by what I believe will please him and have faith that much of what I do not understand is by his will.

So, you think killing inner city and liberal babies is God's will? Where did you learn that?
Points for consistency, at least...

Though she's not above some "God Wills" business herself:
My brother was born at about 28 weeks in 1970 (my mother had food poisoning and it put her in labor). My brother was smaller and had some health problems the first couple of years, but by high school was an All American in track and after college successfully made it through Ranger School (unfortunately he severely injured his shoulder the next day and was unable to become a Ranger).

If any person, regardless of age, is not "supposed" to live, then they will die and there is nothing that anyone can do about it; however, if a person is alive, then they deserve that chance. Care of premature babies has made incredible advances in the past few decades and the cost has come down as well.
Feel the love:
“I would’ve supported her right to choose – to choose a life for herself, a path for herself. I would’ve died for that right like she died for mine,” she said.

No, you selfish bitch, she didn't die for your "rights," you MURDERED her for your convenience.
The closest she comes to endorsing the death of George Tiller:
I wonder if Tiller ever had a soul.
Back alley abortions would be super safe nowadays:
What Big Murder fails to tell people is that most of the "back alley" deaths were the result of infections. These infections are JUST AS LIKELY TO OCCUR WITH LEGAL ABORTION, it's just that we have drugs to treat them now that didn't exist fifty or sixty years ago.
The NAACP is only pro-Choice because they're bribed.
The NAACP is just fine with the ongoing genocide of African long as the money keeps coming in.
Soon, we will all abort ourselves into extinction:
If current trends continue, we won’t run out of energy or other natural resources in the foreseeable future. We will run out of people. This global catastrophe will be the result of rapidly declining fertility, known as Demographic Winter.

This is the single greatest crisis that mankind has ever faced and not only is nobody talking about it, the left wants to accelerate it.
And of course liberals want to kill everyone.
If people like this get their way, the fact that a person may someday need eyeglasses and lose their hair could be a death sentence.
Apart from abortion, there's sex everywhere!
Planned Parenthood gives teenagers lessons on fisting. Teachers take 12 year old girls to get abortions. How can talking about abstinence possibly an "uncomfortable conversation"?
Yeah, if you consider kissing before marriage immoral, you might find modern society pretty sexualized:
It is only those who want to make immorality the norm that would not consider this admirable.
Her list of evil liberals who aren't Stalin, Sanger, or Hitler:
There are a couple of other names that can't be forgotten:

Mao: 50 to 80 million deaths.

Rachel Carson, whose junk science book "Silent Spring" resulted in the DDT ban and major spike in malaria deaths (even National Geographic has since admitted that basically everything she wrote about DDT was a lie): 70 million+ and rising every year.

It also needs to be realized that nearly all of these deaths can be traced to two 19th century Englishmen:

Thomas Malthus: the founder of the modern population control movement.

Charles Darwin: who made science a "god" and whose cousin (Francis Galton), children and colleagues/in-laws (the Huxleys) took his theory of evolution to the next logical conclusion: eugenics. The Darwinists will gladly debate evolution all-day-long to avoid acknowledging that eugenics is the real Darwin legacy.
An adorable post from 2004:
The left is starting to realize that the real "mainstream" America hates what the left stands for.


  1. I can't be offended too much by Wagglebee since I'm against abortion and euthanasia myself. Of course, she opposes them the same way John Brown opposed slavery and Carrie Nation opposed drunkenness.

    The freepers who really annoy me personally are the Ayn Rand lovers, the racists, the anti-government cranks, those who have no regard for the poor and downtrodden, the rabid Obama haters, and the bloodthirsty war lovers.

    1. Right, that's Freepers more often than not. It's not as much what they want, as it's how they want it.

      But I also agree that a close second is the amazing lack of compassion.

    2. Are you nuts? John Brown was a hero. Even Bleeding Kansas was a pro-slavery invasion that John Brown help fight off

  2. Thomas Malthus was an economist. He CREATED population control? By what? Saying that population rate might overtake food production?

    This "lady" is clearly insane.

  3. Wagglebee approaches issues from a fairly consistent "dominionist" standard, with a strict Christian theocracy in America as a goal.

    As for wagglebee's "break" ... the break did come rather abruptly, no announcement, no "fight" going on at the moment.
    But a few days prior wagglebee did get into it with one of the favored JimRob minions earning a "knock it off" from big boy himself. I would imagine even that was too much for an inflated ego like wags.

    I also notice a correlation between wag's return and a real downturn in little jeremiah's contributions to FR.
    Wag's made some comments (mentioned above) about how FR went downhill in her absence and took back the ping lists without even once acknowledging LJ for handling them during her pouting period.

    1. I wonder what he/she did during that time. I mean, Free Republic seems a big part of Wags' identity.

      Because I had a bit less material, I did some Google searches. I found sporadic knife forum posts from a wagglebee, but that's it. No Pro Life stuff at all, other than FR.

  4. I wonder what these anti-kissing folks would have made of Wednesday night. I've been questioning my sexuality lately. I went down to the local gay bars and got a little too drunk. Sloppy makeout and freaky dancing with a butchy lesbian.

    But I'm a guy.

    I wonder if the fact that we weren't doing anything gay transcends the fact that we were both there originally to do some gay stuff, and then made out like a couple of straights. OK, well, not exactly like a couple of straights, but it was girl/guy stuff.

    1. Remember you mentioning that a couple months back on another of the homosexual threads - hope things are going well for you! Ever thought you might be gender-queer rather than all out gay? It's not hugely uncommon. Or you just decided to have some fun. Still, sounds like a good night :) You'll work it out.

      You'd be roundly condemned, regardless, though. You risked "catching the gay" by going to a gay club - according to the up tight, insecure biddys of both sexes on FR that take an inordinate interest in other peoples bedroom activity to hide the lack of their own.

  5. I always get the feeling that most Freepers are perfectly happy staying inside the echo chamber where they can zot any dissenting opinions. If they were to venture outside their bubble, they'd quickly find that their "ironclad" arguments don't actually hold up in an actual debate.

    But props to any Freepers who are actually willing to debate with us liberals.

  6. Wagglebee is a he and I know who he is.. not hard to find.. on the net as he uses his name on other non political forums.

    Over the last year I found out a system to identify nearly all freepers..

  7. Do tell. I'd love to look up some of the more repulsive members, like central va or manc.

    1. I have info on about 200 freepers (reverse photobucket tricks, FR on facebook etc)..little tricks over the years..

      A self rightous well known bible thumper on FR who is a prolific poster with scripture in his tagline sexually assaulted a female parishoner in his church who came to him for advice some years ago..same idiot who spouts that women should be submissive in marriage blah blah blah.. I would out the idiot on FR if I would not be sued.

      I would love to out these people on the FR religious threads and tell them how hypocritical they are...

    2. So do it tough guy

    3. There are quite a few people who participate in fundamentalist churches of all stripes who are doing so in some way to cope with the guilt of all their sinning. The rigor is what they crave, and think that will save them from themselves.

      It's like the worst therapy ever.

  8. "What Big Murder fails to tell people is that most of the "back alley" deaths were the result of infections. These infections are JUST AS LIKELY TO OCCUR WITH LEGAL ABORTION, it's just that we have drugs to treat them now that didn't exist fifty or sixty years ago."

    Because two terms I immediately associate are "back alley" and "sterile field".

    1. Yeah, I'd like to see wags refuse to have his next surgery in a sterile operating room and instead opt for a back alley. I'm not sure where he got that whopper from, but you can bet it's probably an article of faith in the anti-choice/anti-woman crowd.
