Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ebola: Obama is quite literally doing all he can to kill us

So the usual sensationalist suspects (Drudge, Breitbart et. al.) are really whipping the Ebola horse. Normal people are thinking: it's scary, but I have no control over it, so I'd rather not dwell on it.

But at this point, Freepers have had enough sustained paranoia about Ebola that the calmer people have given up and only the fearaholics remain.

And then some guy who just flew into Texas from Africa has it. So now it's in the US. The CDC explain why the threat is small, but why believe them, they only told you about him - now's the perfect time for them to lie for Obama!

Anyhow, it's pretty high-level crazy, even for Freep. And one of the best parts is that it's only tangentially political, so they have zero message discipline. This is the Revolution! Wait, no it's gonna kill us all like Obama wants. Wait, no it's Obama's excuse for Martial law. No, it's the Muslims. OBAMAAA!

Lots of oilfield traffic between Houston and West Africa. Nigeria, Angola, Congo, EG.

I see panic coming.

Batten down the hatches.
dragnet2 suggests panic, mostly to spite the government:
Now we’ll all be told EBOLA is not big deal, and there is nothing to worry about....It’s like a cold or hang nail...

Everyone relax...Get back to work and shut up...

The U.S. government is on the case....
Vaquero thinks this is all Obama's environmentalist depopulation plan, which means Civil War II!
Huzzah. The POSOTUS has succeeded in infecting the U.S. so we can be like his beloved third world and in the process satisfy the Algore tree huggers who want humans dead to make way for mother Gaia and a human-less wilderness !!!!! (Mega friggin sarc).

“We willll not go silently into the night” president, ‘independence day’
CorporateStepsister is sure this will be the end of Obama.
No way; if this spreads, Obama will be kicked out of office, Biden replaced, then we’ll put real leadership in charge.
Diogenesis commemorates the moment by being even less coherent than usual:
Soon, the incidence will be enough
for the undocumented Moslem TYRANT
to send to all of his 57 states
for Quartering along the EV-68
and the incurable tuberculosis railroads
already established.
Mr. K is sure weaponized Ebola is coming:
Wasn’t it about 21 days ago that some terrorists BOKE INTO an Ebola clinic and STOLE INFECTED ITEMS?

Why invest $millions in biological weapons when you can just steal some bed sheets.

Infect a few hostages and ‘release’ them is also a good idea.
Delta Dawn laments that Obama hasn't shut down all flights from Africa:
Who else is flying into this country with Ebola? Odumbo should be arrested for not protecting the border...
Delta Dawn also thinks this guy was brought over to spread Ebola:
He is here to spread the virus...That is why you would let someone, ‘visit’ the US at this time...
Delta Dawn finally lays out Obama's well thought out plan:
This was Obola’s goal from the start. America isn’t so exceptional after all. We are just like the turd world of Africa...Martial law in 3...2...1
patriot08 assumes the worst:
You will get it by sitting next to him on a flight, cab, train, etc. Not likely several rows away

Official word; could mutate into airborne any time.
Lady Heron is sure all good news about Ebola is lies, and all the bad news is the truth:
Only when symptomatic are you contagious. Blood from nose, rash, vomit. Read about it.

Supposedly a Nigerian nurse gave it to a patient before she showed any signs of having it. Most of what the news media is crap to keep panic at bay.
RipSawyer disbelieves everything:
Everything I am hearing about this strikes me as totally absurd, there must be a frantic coverup going on, I am afraid to even consider what the truth might be.
TurboZamboni - Ebola Death Panels!
Just as in ‘hide the decline’ with global warming nuts, open borders Congresscrittrs will insure the CDC withholds the truth via the threat of loss of ‘free’ money from Congress if they don’t toe the party line and help ensure future democrat voters .

Imagine Obamacare costs with Ebola added to the mix-your death panel awaits.
tcrlaf finds patient privacy laws to be very convenient...!

Patient Protection Act prevents them from releasing any info on the victim.
combat_boots seeks to unify his evils.
I would like to know if the carrier is moslem.
Dallas59 also works on the Muslim angle:
How many places did he visit...coming back from Mecca with a stop off in Africa?
dforest Finds the timeline proves the Obama Ebola Conspiracy is real.
Obama visits the CDC on September 16th to talk about ebola readiness. This Liberian infected with ebola travels from Liberia, a HOT ZONE, to the US DFW airport on the 19th.

I find that odd and troubling. I, myself, think this is a planned event. As evil as it can get.

Obama is quite literally doing all he can to kill us.


  1. I've been scanning FR to see how they are reconciling George Zimmerman's brother being gay, but so far no one, not even Wagglebee has mentioned it.

    1. Aw, hell, they'll just decide that Zimmerman turned into the nut...I mean 2nd amendment patriot....that he is because of the trauma of having a gay brother. Probably accuse the brother of molesting poor George, etc. Hell, because the CDC said that the Ebola patient had contact with some school age kids, a couple freeptards posited that meant he was a pedophile.

    2. Or that means George has a gay brother and the libs are the real homophobes. Sorry, I need to bash my skull a few more times before I can think like a FReeptard
