Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Palin Brawl develops

After the Palin's silence about their recent drunken rowdiness was declared as classy, they speak out to claim victimhood. And with such direct stimulus, Freeper support of Sarah turn from irrational to conspiratorial. And it expands to Bristol...

Sarah Barracuda, blind to irony:
Liberals are the biggest phonies you will EVER meet..they only pretend to give a crap about women so they can get their vote..meanwhile they laugh at their stupidity for voting liberal “Hey here’s some free birth control vote for us” liberals only show the phony baloney outrage when a liberal gets attacked, the second it happens to a Conservative they laugh at that person, think its funny..that is why leftists are filth
Toespi equates mocking the Palins with abortion. And then it gets confusing...
No there is no shame and the Palin family and has been is a classic example of liberal bigotry. Here’s another example, the same psychotic liberal women declaring themselves as victims of the “war on women”, think nothing of aborting their little baby girls, tucked away, what should be safely in their womb. These innocent future women, don’t realize that in the feminist’s sick perverted world, every unborn is conveniently of the male gender.
rdcbn with the tiresome "Feminists hate Sarah Palin for her perfection"
Liberal woman HATE Sarah Palin.

It is the Holy Grail of Liberal Feminism to be successful, strong, fearless, competent, independent, self secure and effortlessly the equal of any man in the room.

This what the liberals women aspire to but deep in their heart of hearts they know they never will be, no matter how hard they try.

Sarah Palin is all of the above, but is at the same time attractive,feminine , articulate and personable - traits notably lacking in Liberal Feminists.

Feminists hate Palin because she is everything they aspire to be but never will be and she does it with effortless grace.
Speaking of tiresome, Twink dredges up Chappaquidick, to prove that the Palins are the classy version of the Kennedys.
Ted Kennedy killed a woman by drunk driving that resulted in an accident that killed his passenger. He waited hours to report the accident, after talking to his legal team. Her parents are bought off by the family to suppress any inquiry. He successfully becomes a Senator and a major legislator of numerous bills that go against out Constitution. He is hailed a hero and his death, decades later, is cause for sorrow in this country, by the media. His “family” along with his scumbag assassinated brother, JFK, is considered royalty by our media and many citizens.

Liberals and their media stick together. They are helped by conservatives who admire scumbags like JFK and MLK. MLK was also a scumbag but so many on our side consider him and his agenda wonderful. Our history books will/do promote these people in a positive light. We continue to allow it to happen.
GilesB Knows no one can be drunk without a blood alcohol test:
I would like to take Palin’s side in this, but one thing that bothers me is that the police reports (which I read) - not comments by hostile journalists or party attendees - described Bristol and Track as “extremely drunk” when police arrived, and the impression I have is that they were already drunk when they ARRIVED at the party, and that they came to the party in a car WITH THEIR PARENTS. If true, that is certainly very bad judgment on the part of Sarah Palin and her husband.

What is the exact blood alcohol content of “extremely drunk”?
4rcane also thinks the Palins musta been sober:
Also the police didn’t administer a breathalyzer so the “drunk” claim is a guess.

if its a guess, then its simply a lie
Resettozero doesn't need much proof to allege that all the disagreeing witnesses are drunk, though!
Here is the list of 11 witnesses contradicting Bristol's account.

Which witnesses had not been drinking alcohol?

Which of these witnesses doesn’t have priors?

Which witnesses may yet be arrested for making false statements to the police?

11 names; 11 witnesses. One or more may have reason to lie. Do you disagree?
Bratch thinks the Palin brawl is making them look like political geniuses:
Speaking of Alinsky, the Palins are doing a good job of using Rule #4 against the MSM.

They've totally reversed the initial narrative. The GOPe should take notes.

But they won't.
Cen-Tejas feels a bit critical, but does all he can to beg his fellow Freepers not to beat him up too much!
I’m still just wondering why Sarah, otherwise as sharp as needle, went along with this. I further bet that back home, behind closed doors, she reamed Todd with something like.........”damn’t, I told you, I told you!, I told you”!

Sarah, probably wanting to placate/humor Todd, probably said ok to going with some reticence. Again, don’t jump me! I’m just guessing. And, I LOVE Sarah Palin!
21twelve loves Bristol Palin - her blog posts the best excerpts!
Bristol Palin’s blog just got added to my favorites bar. She writes VERY well, and has stories of interest.

And if you think Sarah Palin speaks the honest truth - Bristol does even more.

She had a link to a Jon Lovitz thing where he is talking about in new club. Palin apologizes for his use of the F-word, “but that word is nothing new for those of you who read the comments section in my blog”.


  1. Nobody on that cesspool sees the irony in a rabid right winger with a screen name of "Twink"?

  2. Please tell me Perry Whitlock is a FReeper

    He's the only Wake County candidate running as a Republican that's not getting Wake County GOP support


  3. The Black Community's “A Dirty, Dark Secret”

  4. The general freeper psychosis over the drunken Palin episode stems from the fact they know this makes the Palins (the kids especially) look like trash.

    And it makes Sarah look like a crappy mother (but no where near as bad as Bristol).

    Cen-Tejas is right though ... I'm sure Sarah pitched a holy shit fit when the whole drunken crew of them finally made it back to Wasilla.

  5. And, I LOVE Sarah Palin!

    So not creepy at all

  6. You know what the funny thing is when you hear that recording.. Sarah and Todd (in the background) seem absolutely "polished". Track and Bristol sound like they are on an episode of cops. My wife and I are just lowly school teachers (you know, according to Freepers) but I swear to goodness that their grandfather (an almost freeper) and retired cop would cry if he ever heard his grandkids talk that way to the police, let alone get in a drunken brawl. And he probably voted for McCain in '08.
