Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Obama's Ferguson

Ferguson will pass. It will not create a race war, and it will likly not really move race relations either way.

But the right is going to make of it what it can.

So the more media-savvy right is staying away from the Confederate talk, and is instead doing all they can to blame Ferguson on Obama.

Freepers, having already gone full racist last night, fall in line.

TheThirdRuffian explains that negroes can't be real Americans.
Western civilization requires westerners.

Obamasons have never had a civilization that was not imposed by outside any larger than a band of brigands.
Texas Eagle senses organization behind the protests, which can only mean Obama.
So far, Fox News has shown footage of protests in Ferguson, St. Louis, LA, NY, Oakland and Philadelphia.
A lot of the signs look pre-made and the marches all have a similar feel to them.

It’s almost as if all these communities have been, I don’t know, organized.

I wonder who would have the know-how to do this?
Eagles6 - a vote for Obama is a vote for riots in Ferguson 6 years later.
I wrote to folks about this before the 2008 election. I said this is what you are voting for.
Rome2000 sees the Communist plot:
Just like he did in Kenya in 2006, Hussein Obama intends to foment riots to further the MARXIST cause.

Class and Race war is a two way street.

The golfer just declared war on the working class citizens of the USA.
butterdezillion wants Obama arrested for Ferguson:
From the sounds of it, there is an army of outsiders that is qoinq from business to business, first lootinq and then burninq down buildinqs while police and fire depts are kept away by qunfire. This is not riotinq. This is systematic war beinq waqed on the locals by Holder and Obama’s lifelonq pals. This is “the course” that Obama told them to “stay”.

Ray76 said that Obama spoke as the leader of an invadinq army when he qave his executive amnesty announcement, and now we see his army LITERALLY committinq acts of war aqainst the people of America.

Whoever is supposed to arrest the “President” if he commits war aqainst his own people need to qet out the handcuffs and do what must be done. It is WAY past time.
Old Sarge - this is the new Vietnam.
I manned the walls for nine hours last night, trying to keep everyone abreast of the crap going down.

Nine cities were burning last night. Nine. This was an organized insurrection.

The Liberal Tet Offensive. It’s the Sixties all over again, but with crappy music.


  1. Old Sarge: "I manned the walls for nine hours last night ..."

    Translated: "I sat on my ass and drank beer for nine hours last night (just like every other night) ..."

    1. "i was glued to fox news all night ... again"

    2. This is their porn.

    3. Hey, I'd be drinking 9 hours straight if I read FR everyday.

  2. Did anyone else notice that butterdezillion uses 'q' instead of 'g' exclusively? She's so batshit crazy that I'm guessing it's intentional, but I have no idea why she would do that.

    1. She has a busted keyboard and the G doesn't work, as to why she does not buy a new one is anyone's guess.
