Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Potpourri

who knows what evil? thinks Glenn Beck just isn't violent enough:
Too much Ghandi, not enough Patton.
John S Mosby uses modern Freeper sexual conspiratorial speculation to fight some very old battles.
How long did it take to find out FDR (him with no leg control) was boinking his “aide” in Warmed up Springs. Years.

And then you look at Eleanor and think—”well, can understand that pretty much”. Oh, and the truth about old Eleanor and her “gal pal” carpet munchers, and Josh White and the blacks and the whole shooting match. It’s what happens after 4 terms.

But.... they were “nice” people LOL.
Kaslin knows everyone involved with Sons of Anarchy is going to go to Hell.
God is not mocked. He will repay.

He sure will
lavaroise finds a sinister plot behind some random shooting in Portland:
First make them gay, then have their gay husband put them on a death pannel.

Getting shot in Portland is part of the disarmament and UN genocide agenda

I am wondering when they will make canibalism allowable in black neighborhoods at this point
MrBambaLaMamba is eager for a license to murder:
Vigilante days getting closer...
jobim on the Negro-Muslim connection
Saudi money, funneled through Yemen to provide front money for storefronts of gang/terrorist activity.

Indeed. “Seeding” ghetto neighborhoods with terror money for the purpose of creating cells for future asymmetrical warfare.
Freepers love connections like this. Someone write a 'Pink Swastika' for the black-Muslim connection, and they'll make a mint.

A Navy Vet compares torture to fighting World War II:
I'm so sick of this PC crap. I remember hearing about an attack on our sovereignty that occurred in 1941. America went ballistic and wiped out 2 entire cities in Japan and fire-bombed cities in Germany. Those two countries have since played nice and are two of our biggest allies and trading partners.

Yet, now, we can't pour water on the face of our enemies or keep them awake or play loud music to extract intel without catching hell from out own leaders and the world.

When did we become so pussified? North Korean and Iranian leadership should have been bombed into the stone age years back. Even Israel is reluctant to finish the job with Iran, although they did shut down one of their nuke facilities. Another world war is coming because the West has succumbed to PC.
LeoWindhorse orders the CIA would come out with all Obama's secrets already!
it’s time for everyone in the intel community and the specops community that have anything at all on the O admin and the Congressional Dems , to come forth with all they have . Straight on-the-record truth telling like the 3 Benghazi contractors , or massive leaks to any media with the guts to follow up on the leads ( Fox News )

The gloves need to come off .

As Allen West once said “ it’s time to take these Alinsky rules and drive them right back through them “

bayonet !
1010RD loves him some Muslim terror:
We should be thankful for these Madmen of Islam. Without them we’d be getting softer, but with them Americans, especially Millenials, are more conservative.
To be fair, hating Muslims makes MeshugeMikey anything but soft:
the preponderance of evidence point to the NEED to rid oursleves of this very real menace...ASAP!

WhiskeyX knows the Birther conspiracy extends to every judge and prosecutor in America:
It isn’t the fault of Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County sheriff’s Posse that there is no uncorrupted U.S. Department of Justice, Congress, independent prosecutor, or court who will act on the available evidence that is being suppressed by the Obama Administration and its accomplices.
rfreedom4u's sinister notions of secret Muslim actions is a half step from mixing Christian blood into their hummus.
The muslims in the mosque would defend themselves with the weapons cache they have in the mosque.
TexasCajun calls Samuel L. Jackson a Black Slaver:
Samueal L. Jackson is perfect example of a modern-day Black Slaver.

"Vote Democrat or it's the Hot Box for you!"
randita is sure Democrats choose where they live based on electoral strategy:
Seeing that it’s the Rat strategy to concentrate large numbers of their voters in electoral rich states to ensure that they at least hold on to the presidency, and Congress hasn’t shown much spine to stop executive branch overreaching by closing the purse, about the only way left to fight these things is at the state level and through the courts.
TsonicTsunami08 is still posting Sandy Hook truther bullcrap.
A Capstone event staged by the Feds. No evidence can be obtained to confirm any crime was committed in New Town CT.ZERO!

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