Friday, December 12, 2014

Spotlight Friday: Understand the stimulus

In October, an anon just posted "Understand the stimulus is batshit crazy." 

This is true, even for Freep. And not more common death-wish fantasies either, this guy's less angry than afraid. And he has a deep, paranoid fear of Obama specifically.

A busy man, he does not have time to write in complete sentences, preferring breathless prose. He claims to have been a close friend of Andrew Breitbart. To be fair, he may have some connections - he broke the Republican compromise on the shutdown pretty early as these things go. And he does operate in true Brietbart style, portentously asking conspiratorial questions, and then not bothering to look up the answers.

Who is paying for Michel Brown's mother to fly around the country and go on TV?!!
The mother of brown bully has perfect straightened hair set by Pros...she is traveling the world ON NO SALARY>>>ON NO JOB>>>ON NO W-2 ? her husband is a former Con....the same can be said about mother of Trayvon...they are being treated like media rock stars ? but where are the FUNDS coming from...who is paying taxes ? obviously not Sharpton who allegedly owes $4 million but still travels first class ?

why isn’t brown bullies mother not reporting to work ? 99.99% of mothers who children are killed in WAR and Peace return to work to support their families...NOT these parasites
Has he never heard of national TV stations flying people out for interviews?

No Africans have money:
WHO bought this African’s plane ticket ? the SLIMEBALL MEDIA doesn’t care
Fellow Freepers who aren't sufficiently into Ebola should have their womenfolk catch Ebola:
Just because someone is in hospital with ‘ebola like’ symptoms does NOT mean they have ebola. Just because you don’t remember a news story from 5 or 6 weeks ago about some one being admitted to Emory doesn’t mean it wasn’t covered. Again as I pointed out earlier, the Atlanta stations have been good about updating us here in Georgia

the public has a right to know...hopefully your wife mother daughter works with these individuals and catches ebola and then you can use the democratic slimewords privacy...we can identify a democratic troll by the smell from his clothes
Lets go after the Obama kids:
Michelle OBAMA lectures everyone on anything her commie brain thinks need being said...she has no right to lecture anyone so dissing her children as arrogant is perfectly logical
President Michelle Obama:
my dear friend, OBAMA has started preparing his wife to run for President in 2016...this is exactly what happened in Argentina...the bang's she now wears is geared to attracting the DUMB MINORITY KID VOTE...the mexican marxists...and the 8% now collecting social security disability payments from places like Maine where a non doctor can approve parasites for usual the brain dead republicans who rely on the likes of Carl “rat” Rove who uses a whiteboard last used in the NFL 30 years ago to set policy and political angles..sadly this dummy cant find knowledge when its in his face...
Obama had a speech planned about Ferguson PROOF HE WAS IN ON IT!
Obama KNEW the allegedly Sharpton plan and went on AIR immediately after the grand jury decision...IT WAS TOTALLY PLANNED by the CCC—Chicago Communist Club
Nordic Muslims:
American negroes, like Nordic Muslims, are trying to make cultural demands that are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and deny due process...but that’s what their parasitic leaders like Sharpton and the black lenin “Obama” are teaching them to do....
McCain and Gingrich's penis issues:
its easy to loabel McCain...he couldn’t make admiral despite his father and grandfather holding that rank...he was disliked in a military that paid more attention to capability than his brand of manhood...hes a lot like big balls knut gingrich both who had problems with their dicks...ill be happy to see him go ...
the homoperversions of the Jesuits
Jesuits make their own law...Georgetown univ proves the homoperversions of the many homo clubs do they allow
Impeaching Obama is easy!
no democrat wants to run in 2016 on the basis of supporting Obama which means he can easily get impeached by 4 votes from coal state democrats joining the republicans...dems have seen how easily it will be to lose their seats after last night
Obama gets more radical with each passing day:
everyday we RESET the 21 day timetable when a new woman is announced as ebolized...its simple leverage...Obama only cares about Nov 4th and could postpone the election ...he get more radical with each passing day...while crybaby Boehner proves he cant lift a 5 pound bag of sugar with his passive responses...they really must have a lot from his CIA tapes...ditto the punk at the supreme court
Black Lenin:
yes....but the black lenin doesn’t care about casualties...theyre as he said “bumps in the road” when he commented on Benghazi event...the investigations of OBAMA haven’t even begun to start
Stalin in a mask:
the middle class is rebelling against the magic negroe who will expend all americans lives to protect his illegal alien theory to create a one party America...Obama is stalin in a mask
As dangerous as Hitler was
Boehner is a PUNK...he permits OBAMA to call him by his last name the same way OBAMA labels PUTIN...OBAMA is truly as dangerous as Hitler was...and he is destroying American judicial system by introducing “political justice” the same system used in Africa...
No one knows Obama like Freepers do!
its quite comical that we of Freerepublic truly understand what drives OBAMA, the man without a history except what he create in his books


  1. You can see in the last few posts the random ALL CAPS words creeping in.
    Looks like another AnnArchy or RoseofTexas in the making.

    1. I bet you this guy speed walks everywhere he goes

  2. It's so funny that Freepers think Obama is another Hitler. German conservatives loved Hitler because he talked about Germany the same way Freepers talk about the U.S.A.

    Kind of reminds me of the quote attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but is actually a variation of a quote by Huey Long: "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    1. And, judging by the dumb graphics that constantly grace the FR webpages, covered in bullets.


    Freepers are shocked, simply shocked that tea party protesters would say the same things they do. Because you know freepers are not racist.....

  4. I'm amused at how much Freepers admire open-carry advocates. I mean, there would never be any situation where they could be mistaken for a crazed gunman, unless they were ...
