Thursday, March 26, 2015

America in fifty years. Opinions?

anon1 knows what I like!

So much!

Notice how many of them think our Union is gonna be dissolved. Patriotism!

Resolute Conservative blames the Mexicans:
Non-existent? Splintered or overrun by hordes of illegals and a socialist paradise.
By contrast, Gay State Conservative blames Muslims:
As a nation with 75% of the population either named Mohammed or having a last name that ends in "z"?

Olog-hai knows THIS time the 1939 comparisons are correct:
You mean barring WW3 in a decade or less? Enough pundits have noted too many parallels to 1939 to discount such an eventuality. The amount of debt that the USA already has accrued is not survivable barring a great miracle from God—and what US leaders will lead the people in an act of repentance?
PATRIOT1876 thinks Islamic hate will burn hotter - maybe as hot as the EPA!!
The Socialists take over, then the Islamists take over them.

That's why the Muslims and the Leftists agree on so many things, both sides want to win for themselves (just like the other Big Government organization in Germany in the 1940’s that were pals with Islam).

Then the Islamists will find those in their ranks to kill after everyone else is gone, because hatred burns deep within their hearts....Sort of like how the EPA did a good job of cleaning up industry by about 1972 and then had to look for more victims and fake “science” to justify their existence.
Secret Agent Man keeps things super general, and thus weird.
It will be a place in which to live a decent, moral life, society will technically have made you a criminal. The actual criminals will legally be the “law-abiding”.

GeronL only knows oceans of blood:
cleaning up after on side slaughtered millions of their opponents... whether that would be dead liberals, conservatives or Muslims is not yet knowable
CivilWarBrewing likes his destruction mysterious and total:
Hiroshima, after the blast.
Genoa just wants the apocalypse already:
Part of a worldwide millennial kingdom with King Yeshua in control. Praise God. Come, Lord!
gaijin also predicts rampant Spanish speaking:
America will be two or even four countries, comparable to the Former Soviet Union.

To comply with the law, people will carry trackers which also function as wallets and permit operation of Authorized Vehicles.

Spanish will be REQUIRED for any form of employment.
laplata is too busy being drematic to predict much:
I weep for the children.

Unfortunately, most won’t know what freedom was all about and what they will be missing.
Pollster1 - nuke or Muslim-1984:
I have been an optimist for more than five decades. The last six years put an end to that.

America in 50 years will be far different from today. At best, it will be a land just recovering the technology of the 19th century. At worst, it will put George Orwell's "1984" to shame, look like a nightmare inspired by the ravings of a 7th century pedophile/murderer, or both.
Sequoyah101 expects his kids to have fought the good fight, but lose:
I’ll be dead. My kids will be in concentration camps or killed. I trained them to be nails that stick up.

The Bolsheviks will be in power and a full fledged thugocracy will be established with ignorant peasants providing the strong arm.
faithhopecharity has some sorta Muslim organ-harvesting situation:
Slave state of islsmonazi caliphate Supplying little boy toys and young girls for their jihadist “soldiers of allah” Also spare parts ( human organs) harvested from any dissenters. All churches and synagogues burned down or turned into mosques or brothels all private property confiscated. and obama still telling us how wonderful Islam is
Wait, 103 year old Obama?

Cementjungle fears all the non-Europe world:
1. Once great cities like NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles will still be uninhabitable from the Iranian nuclear attacks of 2017.

2. Southern states will be part of Mexico.

3. Russia will own Alaska and will be exploiting its oil resources.

4. The remainder of the country will be controlled by various islamic clans or bands of pro-Democracy pioneers with skirmishes over resources being commonplace.
MeganC - anything but a conservative will lead to America the weak. With bonus genocidal Mexicans!
America in fifty years, at this rate, will not exist.

Hawaii will be taken over by China.

California and other parts of the Southwest will either be an independent Hispanic state complete with Aztlan-sponsored ethnic cleansing or it will be part of Mexico.

Texas will be independent again.

The US military will be second rate. Maybe even third rate.

China will dominate the mining and manufacturing sectors and the remainder of the US will be subject to a mercantilism relationship with China.

Or we could elect a conservative next year and see this country prosper through the end of the century.
Forward the Light Brigade breaks America into pieces, but only has 2 figured out - the Good One and the Obama One. Also, the horrors of being English.
America will be five states—one one.

Most poverty ridden like Greece today—One a democracy the rest socialist multi-party places where the rich rule.

Freedom as we know it will be a bitter memory. We will be like England is now—living on memories only.

We will still have superbowl—it will be the only thing that unites us to any degree.

Hollywood will be just a tourist trap—all films made in South America or India.

One of the five will be Obamaland where he will be the founder.

Alaska will be part of Russian Federation.

A large russian Naval base will be in Long Beach. Russian and Chinese will be taught in our public schools.

No cars will be made in the former USA.
Wallace T. deals with his feelings of Christian persecution.
The climate for conservative Christians will be hostile, not unlike Eastern Europe in the post-World War II era or Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s. Conservative Christian Americans will migrate in large numbers overseas, to Latin America or Australia, where their beliefs will not be marginalized and there will be greater freedom to live according to their faith. Other Americans with an entrepreneurial spirit will migrate to East and South Asia and Latin America, as high taxes and regulation will make this country an unappetizing place to do business. By 2065, even Oklahoma and Wyoming may resemble 2015 Massachusetts as a regulatory hellhole, and Massachusetts resemble some Communist nightmare like Belarus or North Korea. In shirt, the most moral and enterprising Americans will be lost to foreign nations.
cuban leaf can't stop thinking about virtual orgasms:
There will be almost (if not literally) NO reason to go to a particular place to perform your job unless it requires physical interaction with other people.

The walls of every room in your living space will be ultra high definition floor to ceiling 3D video monitors giving you the ability to “think” you are anywhere in the world you want to be - or on a space station or on Mars. In fact, it could be a live “webcast” from anywhere in the world at the press of a button. Visit downtown Paris at night and then immediately switch to a beach in Hawaii. Ride with a man in his glider. Visit the great barrier reef. All in souround vision in 3D and in real time.

Most people will get their sexual pleasure without the involvement of another human being.

IOW, I expect the Lord to return in less than 50 years.
cuban leaf's fantasy gets creepier:
But by 2063 we were already on version three of the fully wireless direct sex link between two people (and an “orgy option” enables a “teleconferencing” mode). Simple eye contact (with the right visual cue codes) with a person in Starbucks can communicate the desire for an encounter. Once the wireless handshake is completed, a fully realistic and creative in every way sexual encounter progresses while the two parties simply sit motionless in their chair in front of their tall, skinny machiato.

With happy ending.

However, in 2014, a few enterprising young men successfully hacked the software enabling them to “virtually rape” women if any eye contact whatsoever is made.

And because there is no recording and no proof, these cases are completely impossible to prosecute.

This has significantly altered the cultural landscape, not to mention sales of the devices to all but the sluttiest of females. Oddly, sales INCREASED among the homosexual.
"The sluttiest of females." Ugh.

The best part of GenXteachers lovingly imagined dark and gritty future? His Freepish good guys are the ones who nuked New Mexico.
In 2065...what was formerly the United States now exists as several polities- the Southern Union occupying much of the old Confederacy’s territory, but having its capital in Austin, because Texas is the predominate power in a regional republic whose economy is largely based on oil production. The old Northeast and much of the Midwest lies in the hands of the Northern Union, which still has its capital in Washington DC and still claims to be the actual United States, although that only means anything at the UN, where Red China and the Russian Empire (now under the rule of the Czars of the Putin dynasty) still recognizes that rump state. Most of California and Arizona succumbed to Mexican conquest during the Second Civil War of 2037. New Mexico, claimed both by Mexico and the Southern Union, is largely empty due to being a combat zone during the Mexican Incursion of 2044, and Santa Fe nothing but a radioactive ruin after the Southern Union deployed nukes. The rest of California, Oregon and Washington became an autonomous part of Canada in response to Russian aggression. The Russian Empire took Alaska into ‘protective custody’ during the 2nd Civil War, and Hawaii has maintained a precarious independence as the headquarters of the UN, due to the destruction of NYC during the war. Utah, Nevada,Colorado, Idaho, and Kansas are claimed by all sides, but in reality is a no-man’s land where skirmishes are fought periodically.

The 2nd Civil War ended in an armistice, with both sides employing poison gas and engaging in atrocities during the conflict that left most population centers in ruins. The Southern Union formed a constitutional republic of sovereign states, with a common currency and foreign policy, where marriage was specified as one man, and one woman, and citizens were required to own weapons to serve in their state militias, which remain active in repelling incursions from the Northern Union and putting down rebellions in what were formerly liberal enclaves, as well as turning back refugees from the Northern Union. Economically, the Southern Union practices capitalism and shows some signs of recovering, thanks to protectionist policies that allow for the growth of domestic industry, and to the exploitation of the oil of the Gulf of Mexico.

The Northern Union formed a parliamentary democracy and attempted to enact a full communist state, but only succeeded in creating a dictatorship by committee which has held power continuously since inception. The head of the Politburo of the Democratic Party is the actual head of government, regardless of who the prime minister is. The economy of the Northern Union resembles that of East Germany of the Cold War years- state controlled, technologically backward, unproductive, and agriculture largely in the hands of “cooperative ventures”, which are really collective farms. Christianity was abolished there, although pockets of Islam exist in some urban areas, which sometimes rise in revolt. Perversion and drug use are commonplace in the Northern Union, encouraged by the government as a way to prevent the ‘citizens’ from thinking too much about their predicament, which is a standard of living rapidly shrinking to that of North Korea.

Such is the world of 2065.
Lets end with EQAndyBuzz's happy future, with maximum freedom through government media control, technological magic, and of course massive political purges:
America will be a thriving democracy. After the enlightenment period from 2016-2032, where Presidents Cruz and Walker put down the left wing revolution in 2018 and deported 20 million illegals, American companies that went overseas came home. Corporate taxes were eliminated and the 10% across the board income tax with a 5% cap on state taxes and 3% VAT were put into the constitution at the 2021 Constitutional Convention.

Municipal Unions were outlawed and a performance based compensation system was put in place. The fairness doctrine was implemented. Any news in the form of commentary or lies about people in the media was met with multimillion dollar fines. NBC folds and the NY Times is purchased by the Murdoch group.

The Chicago Cubs still haven’t won a world series and Malia Obama’s Senate bill to give the Cubs the ring based on their continued participation is met with laughter. Her husband, Jesse Jackson IV, calls the Senate racist. Rush Limbaugh and Paul Shankman do a 3 hour bit on it.

The world still hasnt burned up yet. The new meme is Global Warming is caused by Global Climate Stability. Realizing that the sun comes up, the sun goes down, it rains, snows and everything in between, Al Gore gives his annual Global Warming speech around the pool at the Fountainblue Hotel in July of 2029. It’s hot out. Gore says, “see, I told you.”. He’s thrown into the pool and 20 lounge chairs follow,

Solar power is now 1.25% of all energy resources. The new Tesla can go 350 miles on a single charge. Except in Winter. Oil is stabilized at 40 dollars a barrel. Clean coal is being mined at record levels after the EPA is shut down in 2021.

The biggest question asked in American schools in 2050 is, “what’s a liberal and when did the Night of the Ivory Tower Purge take place?”


  1. Wow.

    Just when I think FReetards couldn't get any creepier, they take it to a whole new level!

    These are some seriously sick people. I don't know whether to dislike them or pity them.

    1. No reason it can't be both. A lot of both.

  2. Cue the "I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens" meme and replace aliens with Muslims.

    Very entertaining read:

  3. The Resource Wars start in April 2052 and end with the Great War on 10/23/77. I thought everyone knew this.

  4. Cuban Leaf thinks Woody Allen's "Sleeper" was a documentary.

  5. Lol at freepers moving to either SA or SEA for tolerance of their beliefs. In both cases its secular humanism for the educated liberal populace or hardline Catholicism for the conservative populace educated or not. Not a lot of room for what is perceived by the rest of the world a 'kooky' American protestantism in either of those places outside of Korea. Take it from one that grew up in one and spent a substantial time in the other.

    1. Maybe it's their misperception that those places are still so "undeveloped" that they can push their way around when they get there. Unfortunately, their perception of the world is, as always, several decades behind the times.

  6. goes wrong (realistic) on immigration, let the freeper feeding frenzy commence

  7. Oh man, those posts are so crazy and depressing reading them made me want to slit my wrists. ;-)

    But all kidding aside, it's posts like Sequoyah101's that worry me the most.

    It's brief and yet so filled with apocalyptic despair, absolutely void of all hope for everyone and everything around him, including his own children.

    For God's sake he teaches them that their lives are essentially fated to be hellish. Can his children even stand being around him?

    Seriously, he seems to have the mindset of one of those really disturbed individuals who contemplate murdering their children and then committing suicide in a perverted act of "mercy" so both he and they won't suffer the hell that is to come based on what he perceives to be certain doom.

    I really hope I'm wrong about this.
