Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Potpourri pt. 1

SoFloFreeper doesn't care what Obama says or does, he knows what he is!
Whatever Obamugabe is doing to “fight” terrorism, it is for PR purposes only.


Full stop.

End of story.
2ndDivisionVet is getting down to business:
Well, I’m a semi-shut-in who can barely walk, but I started raising $2 million dollars for Ted Cruz today. Remember Fred Thompson?
BigEdLB thinks everyone laughing at Ted Cruz signing up for Obamacare is good news for Cruz!
I am beginning to really like the way Cruz plays with the MSM. He is driving them insane. All he did is sign up for the Senate coverage when his wife took a leave of absence. And since she lost the family coverage, he signed up through the Senate, which is now part of Obamacare. A story made out of NOTHING. But the MSM is BORED so...
keats5's Internet sleuthing has revealed that Harry Reid is getting secretly re-beaten up every day!
Google this year’s photos of Harry Reid. His bruise keep shifting, and today’s stories shows what appears to be new bruising on his jawline. There are also older photos of bruising, sometimes on his right eye with the left one looking fine. Other times on his left eye with his right one looking fine. In the photos with his bruised eyes, his jaw looks fine.

As we all know, bruises start purple, and then turn green, then yellow. These are all dark purple bruises.
bgill reacts as one might expect to Michelle Obama speaking against sweetened tea.
I’ll be sure to add an extra spoon of sugar from now on.
jersey117 is not doing to well:
I'm feeling an immediacy to do something as we daily see the situation worsening exponentially. If Boehner and the Rinos cave, we indeed have a major life decision to make.

Sad that it’s come to this. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since 2008. I weep for my country.
Nixon's Southern strategy continues to bear fruit like MoochPooch:
Wasn’t it about 50 years ago when the country was being torn apart by race riots? Wasn’t that during the day of LBJ’s Great Society? What about Viet Nam? As I remember, those days weren’t all that good.

Although I was just a kid in 1965, that seemed like the last "normal" year -- before the hippie movement, Black Panthers & student protests.
grumpygresh has a plan to annoy the government, thereby toppling it.
If you see something, say something. Overload the phones with warnings of suspicious MSM reporters, totalitarian pols, and various other leftist cretins.

We should also put up red dots on the mailboxes of our favorite enemies.

This is a dis-info campaign designed to discredit anyone opposed to local police militarization and federalization, and the routine presence of the military on the streets and roads.
glorgau forgives Ted Cruz all his trespasses:
In the other thread, I said this was a dealbreaker, but upon further review, the proposal was all part of the convoluted internal politics of the senate and was known to be never passable.

Ted is back on again. ;-)
kidd - better than Reagan!
Cruz refused to attack his rival.

I guess Ted Cruz recognizes who is on the right side of most issues and that it will be impossible to be a party of one.

The man is better than Reagan.
dsrtsage is trying to play the race card.
Reagan was NOT a lawyer.

Anybody who doesn’t like him is a full on racist
Somehow, the current White House decor piasa think of drugs and Chicago.
1970s Chicago dopehouse meets classic molding, not even as liveable as shabby chic.
FlingWingFlyer REALLY hates America:
When America finally falls, I hope it falls REALLY HARD AND IT REALLY HURTS. We deserve it.
Finny's Internet studies make her believe that 2/3 of Americans are Freepers.
Having read literally thousands of such anonymous comments on MSM and apolitical or outright lefty sites, from L.A. Times to yahoo, from Washington Post to Hollywood Reporter, I can tell you true and sure: by a margin of nearly two to one, "we" hold political correctness, not to mention liberals, in contempt.

The left has to cheat for a reason. The left, whether Democrats or left-leaning Republicans like Thad Cochran, would lose if they didn't, because liberals/leftists ARE THE MINORITY. It's why they have to cheat.

Americans are great and will be even greater when they figure out how much they have been bamboozled by illusions created by the MSM of a fake "liberal" majority.
The Toll has an odd metric for whose opinion matters:
I don’t care what the UNARMED think.
jacquej thinks Netanyahu can solve everything
Maybe Bibi can mess with our elections, supporting Ted Cruz, just to mess with the dems’ heads?

Is it getting late? Should I go to bed?

I want Ted Cruz to win so badly, I can’t stand it!
Triple also thinks Netanyahu is the Freeper Messiah:
Can Bibi please release the real LFBC facts - through a third party?
SatinDoll just wants Israel to screw America.
When Mossad possesses intelligence detailing the nukes intended to take out Washington, D.C and New York City, they will not let Americans have a “heads up”.
Will Ted Cruz give GodAndCountryFirst the World War III he wants?
I am also pretty sure Cruz, as president, would bomb Iran. And if Russia tried to interfere, he’d bomb them, too. We need a president like that.
Responsibility2nd suddenly accepts Supreme Court precedent! It's a miracle!
Cruz is not a NBC

So? How many lower and even Supreme Court decisions do you need to accept that the definition of a NBC is NOT what you, I or the Constitution thought it meant but what the Courts say it is.

Cruz is eligible.
Does willywill's logic apply to Ted Cruz?
am i being simplistic, or is all we need to know is that [Jarrett] was born in iran. you always have allegiance to the country of your birth, no matter your parents roots.
concernedcitizen76 doesn't skimp on the drama re: Jarrett
she’s a one woman death cult and world destroyer. Her mind and soul are poisoned with enmity and revenge. It’s too bad.
Windflier on the left's demonic terror about Cruz:
It's Palin Redux.

Remember how the left reacted to her acceptance speech? They're doing it all over again, and for the exact same reason.

Ted Cruz has the power to exterminate their entire movement. They know this, and like demons, they're shrieking to the rafters in terror.
Yeah, remember when Sarah Palin destroyed liberalism?

JRandomFreeper is the loneliest superspy:
This is why, way back when, I asked you to change my screen name from my ham radio call sign that was tied to an address, and started using JRandomFreeper.

Thank you for that opsec after 9/11, Jim.

Of course, it doesn't matter now since I don't have friendlies around to worry about.


  1. opsec? Seriously Free Republic has operational security?

  2. I fully expect to see more usage of the word "masterstroke" when Freepers talk about Ted Cruz.

  3. Well "masterstroke" is the perfect word to use when you find yourself in the midst of a circle jerk.

  4. "Well, I’m a semi-shut-in who can barely walk, but I started raising $2 million dollars for Ted Cruz today. Remember Fred Thompson?"

    Wow this guy is full of shit! He wouldn't raise a dick for Ted Cruz!

    Campaign financing is one of the most difficult thing to do- pushing someone to cut a check for a candidate. I managed one well-known, well-respected individual in a Florida race for a U.S. congressional seat. With business contacts, family cash and three people running finance, we pulled in a little more than $500K (and lost)!

    This guy is a moron. Why would they contribute through 2ndDivisionVet when they can just go online and do it themselves?!? What the hell is this guy going to do besides annoy his friends on Facebook?!

    Typical FReetard blow-hard.

    1. I'm pretty sure 2ndDivision is one the bigger talkers on FR that doesn't do anything to back it up.

    2. "I raised about $40,000 for him. Not my fault that he bowed out.

      12 posted on 3/23/2015, 7:18:03 PM by 2ndDivisionVet"

      More bullshit, unless he's a 22 year-old blonde with huge tits.

      If the guy could raise $40K all by himself, he would have the NRCC bowing down to nuzzle his ball bag.

      It took a 9/10 brunette four months, full-time working over 10%'ers to pull in about that much. This creepy shut-in is apparently a campaign finance genius!

    3. Isn't 2ndDivisionVet that Freeper who is always saying he'll raise $2 million for his favorite candidate of the moment but can't even pay his rent?

    4. You guys will feel stupid when 2ndDiv, after bundling donations, is named by President Cruz as Ambassador To Texas

    5. Why JimRob doesn't get him to run the creep a thron is beyond me

    6. Speaking of which, Happy Freepathon Eve!

  5. "I want Ted Cruz to win so badly, I can’t stand it!"

    make a note to check on jacquej after cruz bows out.
