Thursday, May 14, 2015

And Now This Word from Outer Space

Birth of a Freeper edition:
This is really hard for me to read, because I was a kid under the advent of this system. My mom discovered Kinsey in 1956. By 1960 my parents divorced over infidelity. The child custody battle lasted nine years and consumed two California houses worth of capital. The State broke up my brother and me, dividing us between the two parents. By the time I was 16, we had moved 11 times. In the end, my dad, a municipal bond financing consultant of some import, was a broken human being, divorced three times. Mom made out like a champ, especially after her second divorce, owning her own home and traveling the world on a teacher's pension until she died a few years later. The rest of the family is still a wreck, now 55 years and running.

I left dad's home at 17, penniless and on the streets of Oakland, CA. I count myself lucky, as could easily have wound up dead. I swore then that this would never happen to me. I spent the first ten years of my adulthood grappling with it all. When I finally married at the age of 35, I was extremely careful. Our two kids grew up in the same house they can call "home." The one governing principle of their rearing was 'whatever the leftists think is right, revert to the opposite.' Both girls are now in graduate school. Yet it still isn't over.

There is a reason the Torah specified death for adultery: The effects go on for generations. I am convinced that raising a child in an environment of sexual depravity produces heritable epigenetic traits, effectively they are irreversible without an immense act of will. The consequences all around us, and they will be very difficult if not impossible to reverse.

Having been born into the idyllic California of the 1950s, we never knew the blessings that lifestyle had offered, much less understood the consequences of blowing them off. Conservatives never fully comprehended the stakes in the Culture War; else they would have fought like their lives depended upon victory and nothing less, because they do. The left wants us dead, because we are all that stands between them and total power to please themselves to no end, and to hell with any and every body else. That's what it will be all right.
Reading sexuality studies makes you into a cheating gold-digger who should be killed lest they change their children's DNA brought to you by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by government regulation.)


  1. Another sad freeper story (there's alot of them).
    Desperately trying to blame their problems on others.

    Interesting home page for Carry Okie ... appears he is a radical environmentalist tree-hugger, which wouldn't normally be welcome on FR.

  2. I completely agree with him that adultery is damaging and broken homes are terrible and ruin entire families for sometimes multiple generations. I reject his premise that it's some "leftist ideal." My parents stayed married until they died a few months apart, and I've been with the same spouse for almost 25 years. So? Meanwhile, their hero Rush is on marriage #4, I think....

    1. I agree with you about adultery, but that isn't really the crux of what he is railing against here: it is "no fault" divorce, and that "ideal" does have a bit of a leftist bias.

      He seems to be implying that his Mother was guilty of adultery and that she should have been sanctioned for breach of contract and immorality with an implicit expectation of no financial settlement and loss of custody of the children.

      That viewpoint would typically gain most traction with right wing social conservatives and be most emphatically rejected by leftist, liberal moral relativists.

    2. Fair enough, but plenty of conservatives in general and freepers in particular are divorced, too, and they're not shy about saying so. It's not just "leftists" splitting up and breaching their contracts. Are you saying that both sides do it, but only leftists are jolly about it? That's crap. Freepers don't get a pass just because they scold people who get divorced.

  3. "A star-studded tribute to blacks on TV, yesterday and today"

    This thread is just starting ... but has the potential to become an epic racist hate-thread.
    Bears monitoring.

    1. LOL, sorry to disappoint ya libturd, but the thread till now is free of any kind of racism. Try again moron.

    2. So they know we're watching. I guess this site has become the conscience of that cess pool. Good.

    3. So they know we're watching. I guess this site has become the conscience of that cess pool. Good.

    4. No, 'we' do not care and I am not a freeper. I just want to tell you to take your self righteous racism garbage and stick it where the sun don't shine.

    5. "No, 'we' do not care and I am not a freeper ..."

      Yes you are, and yes racism is all over that thread.

    6. My buddy and I have a game to find the “black” whenever any commercial comes on. And very, very seldom do we ever NOT find one somewhere.

      LOL. " of any kind of racism." The funny thing about racists is that their own kind of thinking is so internalized, they don't even know when they're racist.

    7. That's how I can tell Anonymous 11:04AM is a freeper ... for them, their freeper racism is just "wishing for a return to the 1950s".
      Oh how they long for the days when the only blacks on TV were there to entertain white people and play stereotypes ... and god forbid any advertisers ever went for anything but "white" dollars.
